C h a p t e r F i f t y- o n e

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Photo: Tatiana Nikolaevna with officers on the Standart 1914

November 1914

Edward and I are on a walk, yes that's right your eyes aren't broken, currently I am walking with Edward on the beach as multiple officers and ladies in waiting chaperone us. I feel the warm breeze as it's finally nice to have my hair up again. Last time I wore it up was in 2018. I wonder what my birthday with Grandmama would be like? I shake those thoughts away as I feel eyes on me. I turn to look at Edward but he wasn't looking at me, he just seems flushed. I turn to look back to see all of my sisters looking back at me.

I saw Tatiana speaking to Mama, I wonder what it was about? "You look very beautiful today Miss Vanya" Edward flushes. I felt myself blush at his flirtation, "Thank you" this was perfect, he was the key to saving my family all along. "You enjoy the ocean water?" He asks me. I look out at the ocean, as if it will help me with my answer, "Sometimes, I do enjoy it sometimes I just want to bathe in the sun" I say.

"I don't get to do much of that, father always expects something from us." Edward sighs. "Well I'm sure that you will have time one day" I say to him. I sounded so stupid. Have time one day? It sounds as if I don't wish to spend time with him. "I hope so" he smiles at me. "Vanya!" Maria runs up to us as Olga follows her, "Mama wants to speak with you"

"Excuse me" I say to him as he smiles at me but seems smitten by Olga as well as they dive into conversation. I follows Maria to the tent that my mama is sitting in the shade with Anna and Tatiana by her side. "Come sit with us my darling or else you will get sunburn and you won't look pretty" my mama says. I sit down text to Tatiana as she has a hidden look in her face. "How is Edward?" Mama asks me. "He is nice" I reply.

"You can be the Queen of England" Maria points out excitedly. "Or Olga" Anastasia snickers as she sips on her tea as Olga laughs with Edward with the young Russian and British officers surrounding them, giving jealous glances at them. I look back at Nastya and shrug, "Anastasia! "Maria gasps at her comment as Mama doesn't give her a happy look. Tatiana stays quiet, drinking her tea as she carefully observes Olga and Edward, "She won't marry him" she states it, as if it were to be a fact.

"How do you know that?" I question her carefully. "She won't leave Russia, marrying Edward means leaving Russia, she won't do it." Tatiana says, sounding confident in her words, "Doesn't love conquer all?" I ask her as Maria stays quiet, not wanting to invade on this debate. Tatiana opens her mouth but doesn't say anything, "Of course it does, the love and dedication to Christ will conquer all" Mama cuts off. Tatiana shuts her moth as she goes on to drink her tea.

"Vanya, walk with me" Tatiana says while placing her tea down and standing up. "Okay" I shrug while standing up. "Don't walk too far" mama warns us. I follow Tatiana as there are officers surrounding the whole beach area, keeping an eye on us. "Are you interested in Edward?" She asks me out of the blue. "He seems nice" I say again. "You aren't thinking about marrying him right?" She looks at me, worried.

"Why would that be such an issue? It could save us" I ask her. "You just can't marry him, you are so young and still maturing" Tatiana makes up excuses. "Tatiana you are one year older" I cross my arms. "One year wiser" she lectures, I roll my eyes. "How do you except me to save us then?" I ask her. "You won't" she says. "What?!" I am confused. "I will" she states. "How do you plan on doing it? The prophecy literally says the third daughter, that's me" I say.

"You just have to tell me everything that you know and I will figure it out," she says. "But you weren't chosen" I face her as we stop walking. "This isn't one of our sewing projects where you can take over if I make a mistake" I tell her. Tatiana looks at me surprised, she takes a step back. "Valentina you aren't listening I-," she stutters but I cut her off, "No! This is my fate, my job, stop trying to control everything!" I say angrily. Tatiana stands still as I turn to walk away. How dare she? Trying to control everything!

I walk back to the tent not caring for Edward as he is occupied with Olga. "Mama I don't feel well, can I go home?" I ask her. "What do you mean darling you seemed fine, don't be silly." She says. I feel like throwing up, I'm light headed and my face is red. I feel everything that I ate going up. I run out of the tent and throw up by the nearby bushes. Evelina and Lili went after me worriedly. "Your grace, she is quite ill" Lili says to mama worriedly. "Take her back to the palace." I hear Mama say as I continue to throw up. I clutch to my stomach as Lili helps me get out of the beach and into a near by carriage.

I lay down in the carriage, huddling myself as Evelina gets in with me. I feel the carriage start to move as we start to go back to the palace. Evelina comforts as I continue to feel ill. We arrive at the palace and the nurses help Evelina get me to a sick room as my urge of throwing up continues. Evelina hands me a bowl as I continue to throw up. I lay down and shut my eyes, I hate this all.

I wake up after a few hours and decide to write. Evelina is asleep in the chair next to me. I take out the small notebook that I carried with me and begin to brainstorm, how can I save them? How can I save my family? I sigh in frustration as I look out the window, just a bunch of guards in fancy uniforms.... IDEA! Yes this will be a perfect idea. I scribble down my plan in my little notebook and look at it. This is perfect, the perfect plan, dangerous but it should work. Now I just need to be on good terms with Tatiana.

I look to my right and see Evelina shifting in her sleep. I shut the notebook and shove it in my pocket and lay down, pretending to wake up. Evelina looks at me, "Do you feel better Vanya Nikolaevna?" She asks me as she stands up to pour me some more tea. "Yes, I think it was some stomach bug but I don't feel ill anymore" I tell her. She smiles, "That's good" she hands me the tea. "Thank you" I say as I take a small sip of the tea.

"Is my family back home?" I ask her. "Yes, they checked in on you when you were asleep" she says. "Oh" I say as I continue to drink. Evelina opens the door and orders a footman to let Mama know that I'm awake. I stare up at the ceiling, wondering what life will be like during the revolution, how bad the conditions will be. "Any dreams?" Evelina asks me. "No" I reply, feeling hungry.  "Well you were asleep for quite some time, I was surprised-," Evelina's rambling was cut off by the door opening and Mama stepping in. Evelina stands up and bows. Mama walks to me worriedly, "My darling how are you feeling?" She asks we with concern as she pets me.

"I am fine mama, it went away I feel better" I tell her. "My poor girlie, your sisters were worried sick, especially Tanushka" Mama says as I realize that Tatiana is standing near the door, looking at me. "Mama I am fine really, I don't need any doctor" I tell her. "Evelina, check her temperature" Mama states. Evelina quickly goes and grabs the thermometer. "Mama I just drank tea" I tell her. "We will wait then" she says. "Your grace, Tsar Nicholas requests for you" a servant says. "I'll be back" mama says before leaving. I shift my eyes to Tatiana, she hasn't moved.

I stay quiet, pretending to not care for her. I hear her walk up to me. "I'm sorry" she says quietly. I don't look at her, "I'm sorry too"
"Are you mad at me?" She asks, "No" I look at her. "We are going to do this together" I smile at her. "Save the family"

I would like to say THANK YOU so much for 20k views! I am very grateful! Next chapter will be up soon!

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