C h a p t e r T h i r t y

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Photo: Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna and her second younger sister, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna in Livadia.

June 1913
I looked over at the door every three seconds. We were currently in Mama's tea room waiting for the rest of our relatives to arrive while drinking tea. It was killing me on the inside I couldn't wait. Grand Duchess Ella was supposed to arrive an hour ago but got delayed. I was reading since I wasn't allowed to knit or sew. I was repeatedly reading Alice in wonderland since the other books have been to advanced for me.

Aunt Olga arrived yesterday without her husband. He had to stay for "work" purposes. I didn't really care for his presence but without him the better.

I was looking around the room, the Big Pair was out with Papa and Grandmother. Anastasia was with Alexei and Aunt Olga. Leaving Mama, Maria, Anna, and me in one room. The room was deadly silent, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of the ticking grandfather clock that stood against the wall. I couldn't wait to meet Grand Duchess Ella. In my russian school back home in Arizona, my teacher was extremely fond of her. According to historians, she was saint like. She forgave her husbands assassin in public, became a nun, and sold off all of her jewelry for charity.

"Mama when is Gran- Auntie Ella going to arrive?"I asked impatiently. "Soon."she replied not taking her eyes off the book she was reading. I attempted at wheeling myself to the window but Anna quickly got up to help me. The view was nothing special but the forest with some of the building cutting off the view. The only entertaining part was watching the small grey bird prancing around the roof top. It hopped around for some time until it had a friend join him. Tatiana decided that she wanted her birthday to be pushed back to when all of the family has arrived so I didn't have the chance to give her my present.

The sound of the double doors started and I turned my head to see one of the servants, "Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Of Russia has arrived." Mama quickly got up and everyone else in the room followed. I myself, tried to stand up, but was quickly pushed back down by Anna who was by my side now.

She walked in covered head to toe by white cloth. The only splash of color was the necklace that was on her which was silver. She had bright shiny blue eyes and very fair skin. "Greetings my darling sister!" She smiled walking up to Mama and giving her a hug. She then went up to Maria and gave her a hug as well. She greeted Anna and finally looked over at me. "Valentina, you remember your Auntie Ella, correct?"Mama stated.

"I- It's- Hello Auntie."I stuttered while sticking out my hand for a handshake. She smiled at me and took my hand and held it. "Hello darling Vanya."she smiled at me. I kept smiling like a fool not saying a thing.


We were all outside enjoying the warm sun. We were just waiting for Papa's other sister, Xenia, to show up with her husband, the boy from England, and family from Germany. Marie was sitting next to me, but I could tell that she wanted to socialize with the officers. "Go on."I spoke up. "What?"She asked. "Go talk with them. I won't mind. Just because I'm glued to the wheel chair doesn't mean you can't have fun."I explained.

She gave me a sympathetic smile and got up from the bench and joined the Big Pair. I watched them for a while. I watched as Olga laughed at something a young officer had told her. I watched Marie tell a story to a group of officers. I watched as Tatiana listened to one of the older officers story. I started to zone out of boredom, "Greetings Vanya." I turned around to see Misha to my surprise. "Oh my! Hello Misha, haven't seen you in a while! How are you doing?"I exclaimed.

His blonde hair had gotten a little longer since the last time I have seen him, but it still looked freshly cut. His bright blue eyes shined with excitement as he took Marie's spot and started to talk about his whereabouts. Misha and mine's last encounter was quite, how to put it? Odd. It was odd. I cross my fingers and prayed to god that he forgot about our last meeting. "You have gotten much more skinny since the last time I have seen you."he stated while watching my sisters walk around the field. I smiled and let out a nervous chuckle, "Oh really? I haven't noticed!"

He turned to me and said this almost above a whisper,"Have you missed me, Grand Duchess Valentina?" I looked around to see Grand Duchess Ella watching us, "Yes, but we can't talk about this right now, my family is watching." I whispered. Misha turned his head to see Grand Duchess Ella watching us. She noticed him catch her and she turned away. "Tell me about you, why are you in a wheel chair?" He asked.

"Long story short I was ill and put to bed rest by Dr. Botkin." I explained while watching my family. He nodded his head as we sat in silence. "When will you go back to Denmark?" I thought for a while until answering him, "In August most likely." Misha had a face of disappointment, "I will miss you a lot." I felt my face get smacked with a wave of heat. I was bright red, blushing, and starting to sweat. I didn't want this, I didn't want him to miss me, I didn't want him to notice anything about me!

"I will miss you too."I stuttered as Anna came up to me, "I'm sorry but the Tsarina has requested your presence." I waved goodbye to the boy as Anna wheeled me away.

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