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I woke up rolling around, accidentally pushing Chase off the bed.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I yelled, only then realizing how bad a hangover truly is.

"Oh my god, my head." I whispered, rubbing my temples.

"You're head?! I'm the one who just fell on the floor!" He stopped "oh my god, I know what you mean." He now whispered.

"Do you have Advil?" I asked and he nodded.

We both went downstairs, Chase wearing nothing but sweatpants and I, wearing nothing but his sweater which was long enough to cover my ass, but not long enough to be an appropriate length. Although at this point, the last thing I did was care.

Chase and I made our way to the medicine cabinet in the downstairs bathroom, walking past his parents who greeted us very loudly. Or at least what we thought was loud, but they were speaking at a normal tone.

"Good morning." I practically whispered before following Chase to get some Advil.

He handed me two pills and then we made our way to the kitchen to get some water.

"Just so you know, Elmo and I never actually did anything last night." I don't know why I was telling him this, but I wouldn't be comfortable with him thinking that we did in fact do something.

"I know, Elmo told me when we were outside. I got pretty drunk when you two were gone." He said before swallowing the two pills.

"I just couldn't bring myself to actually kiss him or anything. I mean it's not like he tried, but even if he did... I just.." I sighed. Was I really about to tell Chase I had feelings for him?

"Never mind."

"No, tell me." He pestered.


"Cher..." He took a step closer to me. "If you aren't ready yet I'll give you a few more minutes, there's also something I think I need to tell you. Last night made me realize something and I think not telling you will just destroy me in the end..." He took in a deep breathe "I have feelings for you Cher. Like feelings for you. You probably don't feel the same, but I just needed to get that off my chest because I couldn't hold it in any longer. I literally thought you and Elmo were going to fuck and the first thing I did was get drunk off my ass. Kinda regretting that now because of this terrible headache and I know you probably don't know what to say right now so I'll give you some time if you need it to think about what I just said-"

"Chase I like you. That's what I wanted to tell you before you started speaking. I probably would've cut you off sooner, but it's cute seeing you ramble on and on like that, especially since you're nervous." I chuckled, a smile planted on my face.

He actually has feelings for me.

We were now standing only inches apart "Can I kiss you?" He asked, his left hand cupping my right cheek as he pulled me in by the waist with his right hand.

I nodded and closed my eyes leaning in, only to be interrupted by his parents "Kids, we're leaving-" His mum started to say, but once they saw us his dad spoke up "We're heading off to work, see you guys soon!" His parents quickly left without saying another word.

"Sorry if that ruined the moment." Chase said seeming a bit embarrassed.

"Not at all." I smiled and my lips soon met his, melting into the kiss.

Well, Chase Hudson was definitely one hell of a kisser if I do say so myself.

"Lets have a date night." Chase said, smiling.

"Chase, we're both currently having the worst hangovers." I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll plan something." He smiled "But for now, why don't we just order some breakfast and watch Netflix for a little while."

"That sounds nice. Can we get pancakes?" I looked up at him as he looked down at me.

"Whatever you want." I smiled.

Chase ordered us some breakfast and as soon as it arrived we made our way downstairs to the basement.

"Can we watch Lucifer?" I asked Chase as he pulled up Netflix.

"Whatever you want." He said as he pulled it up, starting from episode 1 since he's never watched it. I, on the other hand, have watched every episode of this show 6 times now. I'm not usually one to watch a show several times unless it a very good show. This was one of them.

"I still can't believe this is your first time watching this." I said to Chase after a good two hours. We were cuddled up on the couch under a blanket. We didn't talk too much mainly because he was so focused on the show and everything that was going on.

"I know." He dragged out the word "This is officially my new favorite show."

"It gets even better, trust me."


They've finally kissed and admitted their feelings to each other, are you happy now?

Word count: 869

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