<t w e n t y t h r e e>

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"Cheryl, I would never rape you. I loved you. I still do."

"You say you wouldn't, but you did." I felt my eyes start to water.

"Here's your food." The waiter came up to us again "Hey, do you think I can get your number-"

"No way in hell." Justin said and I rolled my eyes at his response, the waiter then leaving.

"Do you even remember what the hell happened that night?" Justin asked.

In all honesty it was pretty much a blur, just remembering a few bits and details.

"We were at Jacob's party in Queens. I was drinking, but I felt fine. That was until you came up to me, handing me a cup of- I can't remember what. After I drank it my vision was blurry and I couldn't see straight- everything was spinning." I looked down at my food, picking at it "You brought me up to a room and put me to bed, but then-" I felt a tear or two trickle down my cheeks. I felt as if I was reliving the moment.

"Cher, I did not do that to you. I brought you up to a room, yes, but if someone raped you it wasn't me."

"Then who the fuck was it, Justin?! And where were you because you promised me you wouldn't let anything happen to me! You promised me, Justin. If it wasn't you that reaped me, then it means you had left me to do god knows what- or who, for that matter!"

"Cher, don't do this. Not here, not now." He said sternly.

I heard a laugh-two laughs, from behind me. I held my eyes shut praying it wasn't who I thought it was.

And to just my luck, it was "Cheryl?!"


"You must be Chase." Justin smirked.

"Who the fuck are you?" I heard Anthony's voice.

"Justin. Justin Cortez, such a pleasure to meet you." He stood up, going to shake his hand.

"Justin just stop. Please, just leave them out of this." I stood up, getting ready to leave.

"You haven't told them?"

"Told us what, Cheryl?" Chase turned me around just to see my tear stained face and red eyes.


"Cher, who the hell is this guy?" Anthony asked, glaring at Justin.

"No one. He's nobody, trust me."

"I was never nobody to you." Justin said cockily.

I turned to face him, slapping him harshly and then storming out.

So much for not wanting to cause a scene

I huffed, sitting on a bench not too far away from Urth.

"I didn't even get to ask him why he's back." I shook my head, resting it on me knees.

"Cheryl! We've been looking all over for you." Chase ran up to me, Anthony behind him.

"Chase, before you even ask nothing is going on between Justin and I-"

"I know," he sat next to me "I trust you. I also have a feeling Justin has something to do with the way you've been acting, but I'll stop pressuring you to tell me. You can talk to me about it whenever you're ready-"

"Or just keep it a secret that you'll take to your grave." Anthony said as I laughed a bit.

"I'll tell you both when I'm ready. As of right now I just need to figure out what he wants and why he's here." I put my legs down, leaving against Chase a bit.

"Do you want to grab a bite to eat? Or we can go to the park-"

"I'd like too. I need to get my mind off it."

"Promise we won't even mention his name." Chase got up, putting his hand out for me to take which I did.

He kissed my cheek, whispering I love you in my ear.

"I promise I'll tell you. I can't right now, not while he's here." I whispered as he nodded, taking my hand in his.


"Thank you Chase." I said as I looked at the pavement beneath my feet while he walked me home.

Without even looking at him I already knew he was giving me a questioning look "For getting my mind off of things," I looked up at him "and for trusting me."

"I have a hard time with trusting people. I've known you for a while and I know you do too and I don't know what happened in your past, but however big of a deal this is it doesn't define you. Cheryl, you're a strong girl and I know you can get through anything you just need to let yourself believe it."

"I love you." I looked into his eyes, smiling.

But no matter what he could tell me, it does define who I am. And I can't help but wonder what will he think of me after he's learned of what happened; will he leave me or think of me as weak or broken? The thought of being seen as someone who is scares me. Back home, after everything that had happened everytime someone looked at me I could see the pity in their eyes.

I wanted to leave that part of me in the past, but of course I could never run from him. From my past.

And if there was anything I had learned today it was that the past will always come back, whether it's to haunt you or teach you something. Or in my case, bring up moments I wish I could erase from memory.

The only thing I can do at this point is learn to accept it. As I hope Chase will too.

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