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"Can you take some pictures of me?" I asked Chase once the food had arrived and before he could answer I had already given him my phone.

"Awe, you look so cute." He smiled as he glanced from me to the phone screen and then back to me once again.

"Stop, you're going to make me blush." I covered my cheeks.

"There's nothing wrong with that." He smirked and then took a few more pictures, handing me my phone back soon after.

I set my phone down and started to eat, as did Chase.  After a few minutes, one of Chase's fans came up to him so he took a few pictures with her and they made a tik tok together. It was cute seeing the way his eyes lit up and how happy he was whenever he met one of his supporters.

"You're adorable." I said to Chase once the fan had left.

"Nothing compared to you." He winked and then took a sip of his drink.

"I-" I was interrupted by a notification from both mine and Chase's phone with a few messages from the groupchat



Elmo 🤠🤧

Sandra 😎❤️
How can I help you?

Can we all go to the movies?
Elmo, I'll get Hannah to come just say yes


Elmo's girl, but she lives and hour away so they don't hangout tht much

I wanna meet her
Uhm why do I not know who she is

She's a girl I'm talking too




I looked up from my phone when I heard Chase laugh,

"Chase please tell them to watch the Madea movie" I begged, but he didn't budge "Please Chase? I'll give you a kiss?" He smiled and then texted the groupchat once again


What Cher said ^


Anthonyyyy 🙄🖤
Not what I originally planned, but okay

Cher 🍒

You guys don't understand how excited Cher seems rn LMAO
it's cute tho don't kill me plz

Lmao okk


I set my phone down to see Chase looking at me, smiling.

"What?" I asked as the blood rushed to my cheeks.

"You're adorable." I smiled even more, if that was even possible.

"But I'm upset." He crossed his arms and I then asked why "You didn't say uwu back." He frowned a bit.

"Uwu." I smiled at how childish he was.

"Yay!" He seemed like a little kid at a candy shop. It's one of the most cliché lines in the book, but there was no better way to describe it. He was utterly adorable.

"So when am I getting that kiss?" He smirked.

"Once we leave I guess." I shrugged as I started to eat.

"Guess we're leaving now then." He got up from his seat, put some money on the table then grabbed my drink and left.

I stuffed my face with as much food as I could and then walked out, "Chase!"

"Yes?" He turned around as if he did nothing wrong.

"I didn't get to finish my food." I pouted as I crossed my arms.

"Well I want my kiss." He leaned in, but I just grabbed my drink from his hand and started walking down the block.

"Cher!" He yelled chasing after me, I turned to him and he gave me a pouty face.

"Ugh," I got closer to him but instead of kissing his lips I kissed his cheek. "Cher!" He yelled again.

"I never said where I would kiss you." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I hate you." He rolled his eyes lightheartedly.

"Stop lying to yourself." I chuckled, taking a glance at his cute ass.

Hi sorry this chapter is v short I'm having a bit of writers block rn :(

Word count: 641

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