<t w e n t y>

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What in the literal fuck do you want Justin?

Glad to see you remembered me luv
Let's play ketchup

Gtfo out my iMessage, Justin.
Im done with you.

That's not what you were telling Britney before you left New York.

I haven't spoken to Britney since before the move. Things have changed, I've moved on.

I've seen.
But you and I both know, I am and always will be better than him.


You'd love too ;)

That's my line, asshole.
Just leave me alone, I'm happy and ur just petty.

"You okay babe?" I looked up to Chase who was starring me down.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I smiled "We should have like a mini photoshoot for insta." I grinned.

"That sounds great. How about tomorrow?" I nodded in agreement.

"Look Chase, I need to head home now" I got out of bed to see a frown upon his perfectly chiseled face "I'm sorry, but something came up." I quickly changed into the clothes I had been wearing.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He got up to kiss me, "don't miss me too much." I winked before walking out the room.

The only thing I could think of at this point was Justin,

How in the actual fuck did he get my number or figure out my whereabouts...

Would u want shorter chapter (not this short dw) with faster updates or longer chapters with slower updates?

Also I'm working on another story and I'm so obsessed with it omg

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