< t w e n t y e i g h t >

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a/n: i updated the cast incase anyone was wondering who i interpret cheryl to be as well as zach & zane bc the two will appear a lot in the sequel -yes, there will be a sequel but we'll discuss that later

~not edited~

I walked into the kitchen seeing the trio sitting around the table. Including my father which was a huge surprise to me, "Dad? What are you doing here?" I asked in shock, seeing as he was hardly ever home.

"I live here hun," he turned to look at me, his facial expression immediately changing "Cherry, you look like shit."

I would be mad if he was lying, but we all knew he wasn't. My eyes were bloodshot from how much I cried the night prior, my hair was a mess and I wore the baggiest clothes I could find.

"I know dad," I chuckled lightly "I'm guessing they told you what happened?" I raised a brow at my father as the three all sent small smiles.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, Cherry. If you want me to take off of work-" I quickly cut my father off "I never needed you before I don't think I do now. After all, I've been through hell and back, back in New York. I think I can handle getting cheated on and a little heartbreak." He held a solemn facial expression as I forced a smile, walking past him.

"I love you Cheryl." He said before walking away, most likely to his in-home office.

"How are you feeling, hun?" Madison asked me as she set down some pancakes that she made. I shrugged sitting on the barstool "We made you breakfast." She smiled, obviously trying to lighten the mood.

"I appreciate it, but I'm not hungry." I say before stealing a sip of Benjamin's water.

Benjamin held a worried expression and I knew exactly why. He pulled me up off my chair, mumbling an 'excuse us' to the girls before pulling me out into the hallway.

"What is it?" I pulled my arm away from his grasp.

"I know you love him, but don't let him ruin what you fought so hard to fix. It took you years to recover from your eating disorder, Cheryl."

I took in a deep breathe, "The thought of eating right now is making me nauseous. Ben, it's normal to not have an appetite after a break up."

He pulled me into an unexpected hug, which I returned after a moment or two "If you feel yourself starting to relapse, please let me know." He whispered as he combed his fingers through my hair.

"I love you so much, Benji. Please don't leave me." I say in an almost whisper as I rest my head in the crook of his neck.

"I don't plan on it. I love you, Cherry." He said in a comforting voice, continuing to rub his fingers through my hair.


Chase, please talk to me

I scoffed, seeing as the message hadn't said delivered like it normally would. He blocked me...
Or his phone died?
No, definitely blocked... right?

I had told the three to go home, considering I wanted to be alone. The last thing I wanted was to be alone, I wanted to be with Chase. He cheated, yet I still loved him. He broke up with me through my cousin out of all people, yet I still loved him.

"How pathetic am I?" I whispered as I leaned back in my chair, starring at myself in the mirror.

I brought my legs up so they where now against my chest as I wrapped my arms around them and rested my cheek on me knee.

✔️𝟐𝐀.𝐌 ~ 𝐂hase 𝐇udson Where stories live. Discover now