< t w e n t y s i x >

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~not edited~

Running. All I could do at this point was run. My father always asked what I was running from in a joking manner each time I came home from a run. I knew this time would be no different, but I just wished this time I could respond with 'nothing' and a simple giggle followed by it. Except things weren't that simple. Not this time..

And that's when I felt my legs start to give in,

I collapsed onto the cold sand as tears rolled down my cheeks. I knew I shouldn't had fallen for him because in the end I always get hurt.

Yet I still found myself hoping I'd see him on the bench. So I waited until it was two in the morning, but I soon realized he wasn't coming. I lost him for good this time...

36 hours earlier

"Elmo, how are things with Hannah?" I tilted my head to the side, looking at the curly haired boy sitting on my right.

"They're great actually," he smiled "But I haven't seen her in what feels like forever. I miss her a lot." He shrugged, plopping a fry into his mouth.

"I don't know if you've heard, lover boy, but there's a party about 30 minutes away. It's not too far from where she lives, why don't you invite her. I mean, you are coming are you not?" I asked in a serious tone.

It was just Elmo and I sitting on the bleachers seeing as Chase was retaking a test and Alessandra and Anthony were off in the lunchroom together.

"I haven't decided yet-"

I cut him off quickly "-Then I'll decide for you. You're coming, Elmo. And so is Hannah." I smiled, stealing one of his French fries.

"There really is no saying no to you, is there?" He chuckled lightly as I shook my head.

"Text Hannah that she's coming. I refuse to take no for an answer. You haven't seen her in weeks,"

"I know, Cheryl, I'll make sure she's there. What's it to you anyways? We always go to parties, you're never so persistent."

I looked out onto the empty football field, "Well we hardly go to parties near Hannah. More specifically, she hardly comes to parties with us; it's about time that's changed." I smiled, standing up. "I'm going to meet Chase, see you later Sesame Street."


You coming tonight, princess?

Uh, who is this?

You're Prince Charming, of course

I scoffed, reading the message. Of course Zach somehow managed to have my number,

Stop texting me Zachary. We shared one drunken kiss, it's been two weeks
Get over it!

No can do

You're the worst

I rolled my eyes, setting my phone on my nightstand as my kind of woman by Mac DeMarco played.

I rummaged through my closet, lowly singing the lyrics as I looked for anything wear. After a while of looking and making my room a complete mess I had settled on a navy blue plaid mini, a black tube top and black doc martens to match.

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