"IF IT HURTS!? No thanks because I refuse!" Tom snapped at tord, Tom had a goopy black tear roll down his cheek, Tom was shaking he was crying.. this made tords heart ache. He didn't like seeing Tom like this, tord shushed Tom warmly trying to calm him."Hey... hey.. it'll be ok... it's just one needle ok? It'll be over before you know it.." tord says in a low voice, with a sad look he didn't like this either.
"Your there 'leader'! Tell them no tell them to stop!" Tom pleaded with another black goopy tear rolling down his face.
"Tom.. they need your blood... they have to do some testing..." tord says with an 'I'm sorry' face.
Tom was shaking his eyes were wide with fear, and his cheeks had black goopy tears streaming down them.
"N-No.. tor— sir.. please don't make me do this..." Tom pleaded wile the scientists were getting Toms arm ready. Tord looked into Toms big pixel eyes and his heart ached more.
"Fine..! But your going to have it eventually.. ok? But you get out of this only this time got it?" Tord says a bit happy that Tom called him sir.
Toms eyes lit up he smiled "thank you!" He said happily, the scientists were surprised Tord was a Ruthless and Cruel leader.. for him to give in to Toms begging was a shock.
"You heard me clean this up, he's not doing it today" tord says in his leader voice, the scientists quickly untied Tom and cleaned up there supplies for getting his blood, they wouldn't dare question red leaders choice or even talk about it, they would be a dead man if so.
He stoped holding Toms hand. Tord wipes Toms tear stained cheeks with a wipe, Tom smiled warmly 'this definitely got him to trust me more' tord thinks to himself as he helps Tom up.
Tord looked away from Tom talking to a scientist about when Tom would be Abel to give blood, while he did Tom turned his face away from tord and stuck his tongue out at the other scientists. 'Fuck you bitches' Tom thought as he glared at them.
The scientists glared back with a much meaner looked this scared Tom as he grabbed tords arm with a scared look on his face, tho he wasn't looking at tord.
Tord immediately noticed a smol male grab his arm, he stopped talking to the scientist and turned his head looking down at Tom? He smiled a tiny bit 'cute..' he thought as he looked were the smol male was looking, it was at some scientists that we're glaring at Tom.
Tord glared at them with a much much meaner stare making them tremble, they knew not to glare back at red.
Tord was happy with that they did and also pissed 'how dare they glare at tom' tord thinks as he keeps his glare.
Tom noticed they looked scared he thought they were scared of him then he realized he had grabbed onto someone.
He turned his head looking up a the tall male, it was tord! Toms eyes widened a blush spread across his cheeks, he noticed tord was glaring at the scientist. he instantly let go of tord And backed up putting his arm on the other.
"S-Sorry!" Tom said looking away, he didn't know if he should thank tord or be scared, tord replied with a warm smile "it's quite okay Tom" tord said smiling at him.
'They were definitely scared of him not me..' Tom thinks as he kept his blush not keeping eye contact.
Wile Tord was loving Tom being embarrassed, he was thinking how cute tom was being until he was snapped back to reality when a scientist he was previously talking to spoke up, he was trying to start that conversation again he needed to know what day.
Tord looked at Tom once more "you can hold my arm or hand if you get scared or if you want to" He says with a big smile, this made Toms eyes widened as a brighter blush spread across his cheeks.
"I-I— ok.."Tom replied looking at the floor trying to cover his embarrassment. Tord took one last long look smiling.
Then his smile dropped Wile he turned back and started talking with the scientist he was talking to either.
Tom looks around 'since tord is talking with that guy ima take a better look around here ' he thought as he started to part ways with tord, tord had his back turned to him so he had no idea.
Tom looked at the paper these men and women were writing down and there sketches he also looked at what they were doing, it was all weird and confused to Tom but he knew it was about him, he went over to one of the other doors and look inside of it.
'A stair case?' Tom thought as he put one foot on the first step, he stopped himself 'maybe next time.. if tord looks for me and I'm down here I don't think it'll be good for me ..' he thinks as he turns around he could hear some mumbling and weird noises.
Tom raised an eyebrow 'no no stop I'll see it later what if hes already looking for me!' Tom thought as he walked back out the door.
'I'll just look in the rooms ' he thought and he walked down the hall. scientists giving him weird looks and wide eyes some were confused why a civ was in there lab, other knew it was him and were confused they knew who he but didn't know how he go here but they guessed red leader had brought him here, hey wanted to ask questions but Tom just passed them by in the hall looking in the rooms.
They didn't stop him because some they knew his powers other knew red leader had brought him down here so they didn't want to question red leaders choices.
He stopped when he could hear someone yelling for him, his heart sank "shit" he said under his breath, he knew it was his old Norwegian flat mate. He turned around and started headed to were he left tord.
Tord was not running but was sprinting? around the room wile he yelled Toms name and shouted at the Useless scientists who quivered before him.
"YOU IDIOTS!" He yelled "YOU JUST LET HIM WALK AROUND!? What if he gets hurt or worse!? Find him you useless excuse for a human! Before you get 'fired!" Tord shouted and cursed in Norwegian but soon stopped once his eyes landed on Tom.
Toms heart dropped as tord looked at Tom dead in the eyes walking fast over to him, Tom closed his eyes and stiffened up preparing him self to be hit, he was shaking he knew tord would be mad so he wasn't surprised for tord to hit him.
1163 words
We hit 100 comments <3Sorry for not posting yesterday I was tired and I almost didn't post today but you still got a chapter <3
Heyo hope y'all are having a good day <3 we're about to hit 6k reads like omng I'm shook, thanks so much and were at 359 stars like thank you so much <3
Sorry for any mistakes I hope I got them all
<3 thanks for the stars, comments and just reading my fanfic also thanks for following me <3

Don't let the monster come out [Future Tomtord]
רומנטיקהThis is after the accident a few years later tord ruins Toms vision and gives him new sight bc tom would be useless other wise to him. Tord is the red army leader. He felt like something was missing and that something was Tom, tord is taking over th...