Chapter 2

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Hey, guys thank you all so much for the love of the first chapter, I hope you enjoy this one as much as you enjoyed the first the first chapter. 

Today is a quiet day at Cat Co, everyone seems to be working nicely, been the start of a week and a new magazine, which was good because Owen started teething over night. People came in and out of my office asking me questions and seeing if the picture where good enough for our online post and magazines.

 "Kara someone named Mike is here for you" I heard ally say, I turn around on my chair with Owen in my arms rocking him so he would go to sleep. 

"Oh yes it's all right he can come in" I say as I keep holding Owen. 

"Hi Mike, take a seat, Ally can you get Own some shortbread and Mike, and something for mike and I ?" I asked Ally. 

"Sure, Mike anything in particular?" Ally asked mike.

 "I'm just a black coffee" He said. Ally nodded walking out of Kara's office. 

"So why did you bring me here?" He asked her curious.

 "Well I want to know more about you working with kids? Have you worked with alien non-alien?" Kara asked 

"Um well I've worked with both, I've also done some work in child care" he explained to Kara. She nodded

 "Well if you can feed him when Ally gets back while I can edit some articles if that's ok?, you can stay here if that's ok, I don't really want you to go out with him if that's ok?" Kara told him 

"Yeah, no worries" he replied,

 "So can I ask, is that father in his life?" Mike asked Kara. 

"Um, no he was a..... um, One night stand, when I got drunk with aldaberian rum," Kara said almost chuckling making Mike chuckle too, 

"Well I do love a little bit of aldaberian rum" Mike responded chuckling. Owen started to cry, making Kara Sigh. 

"Come on Owen, mummy needs to work," Kara said 

"Is he teething?" Mike asked "Um yeah how did..." Kara started

 "umm .. well, you can kinda see them, I mean not alien teeth, but they grow at a faster than humans," Mike stated 

"Umm yeah, didn't you land here like a couple of years ago? How do you know all this stuff" Kara asked 

"Thank you but I don't have anything that can help," Kara said 

"Oh he can bite on my finger its ok, I mean I am an alien," he said quietly. 

"Thank you" Kara responded giving her son over to Mon-el. She was scared at first handing her son over to someone else other then her sister, and her mum.

she gave Owen to Mon-el who knew what she was going through, she also had DEO agents around the building incase he decided to jump out and take her son for himself. As she started to work he started to calm down, she looked up to make sure that he was still there, and he was, Mon-el was sitting back on the couch with Owen him in his arms cradling him, whispering Kryptonian. "How did you learn Kryptonian." She asked quietly. 

"Its a gift, he started. No actually, when I was on daxum we had... um, peasants.. um, s..slaves who spoke it, and I learnt it off them" he said disappointedly. She stayed quiet, and went back to work.

Kara got so much work done, 2 times more the work than when she held Owen.

She sat back in her chair, looking up seeing Mon-el and Her son both asleep, Owen in his arms as he had his head back on the couch, she smiled she got her phone and took a photo, then took Owen from his arms and put Owen in his carrier.

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