Chapter 32

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Authors POV

The pair walked into their home, with Alex, Bree, Steph and Owen playing, Kara desperately wanted to Tell Alex first, though she suspected she already knew about this.

Kara grabbed her sister's hand, taking her into the pair's room. Shutting the door, where Alex smiled widely and she showed her the ring. The two sisters stared at the ring jumping up and down, squealing for a little bit. "He makes you happy, doesn't he. I have seen such a difference in you" Alex told Kara with a smiled, making Kara smile nodding. "I love him so much, Alex, he makes me feel so special. Even though we have the old married couple routine, and we have only been dating for almost six months, he makes it special every day, and I'm having a baby with him" Kara said, as she couldn't stop smiling. "I am so happy for you, but don't you think it's too early, I mean it has only been what just over six months?" Alex asked. "Yeah, but we aren't going to get married immediately, we have decided to have this baby first, and then get married to two years," Kara said as if she had her plan mapped out. "So no wedding dress shopping?" Alex asked. I mean we can look at it, means that we have more time, to organize the other details, then dress shopping." Kara explained with a smile. After another couple of minutes of talking the two grown girls who were smiling over the ring, came out as adults to see their mum talking to Mon-el and Bree.

All of their friends and family were arriving at the same time, making Kara nervous, on what her family and friends would think, she wanted to take her ring off, but she knew that it was the wrong thing to do, so she kept it on, making sure it is hidden from everyones.

Following everyones arrival Kara and Mon-el stood up in front of everyone for coming.

"Hey guy's. Thank you for coming" Kara started as she stood next to Kara holding her. "Um so we have some new for you guys, but we also wanted to see everyone on," Kara said, smiling. "So what's the news?" Her mum asked. Kara and Mon-el both looked at each other. "So firstly, we wanted to announce that we are getting married" Kara said happily, smiling brightly, with Mon-el whispering in here ears Comets. Everyone came up going them both a hug. "Ok, ok, thank you there is another reason why we really brought you here, I surprised Kara with the proposal this morning. The real reason why we asked you to come is that a couple of weeks ago, we found out that we are pregnant," Kara said happily interrupting Mon-el. Everyone became quiet, then erupted in cheers hugging the couple.

The rest of the day their family and friends had some lunch, everyone asked Kara about names, and what she was thinking about dresses. She told time that she isn't going to think about dresses until their baby is born and that they want to wait for the gender reveille party.

Meanwhile, mon-el was with Kara cousin. "I'm happy for you, please be good to her" Clark told Mon-el, he nodded "I will, she and Owen have turned my life around completely," Mon-el said happily. "That's good man, I can see she is happy, I haven't seen her this happy in a long time, yes she was happy when she found out a pregnant with Owen and when Kara had him, but she was depressed for a while. Mon-el looked concerned at Mon-el "You didn't know about that?" Clark asked Mon-el

"No, I mean lately she has been stressing out, but I thought that was to do with the pregnancy," Mon-el asked wordily. "It's ok, we will talk about it later, in the mean time. Names?" Clark asked. "We haven't talked about them yet," Mon-el said. Clark nodded his head. "How is your job going, by the way, Kara told me that they asked you if you liked aliens?" He asked "Yeah, I said yes, it didn't effect me getting the job, and I mean if there are a few kids in my class that like aliens I can help them I hope," Mon-el said. Clark nodded "Just be careful ok, I think sometimes people mis read people" Clark said. Mon-el nodded, taking note of Clarks comments.


As the day went on Owen and his cousins played with Comet, his dog, in the back yard as Kara, Lois, Alex and Eliza sat in the chairs and talked while the men watched the kids, drinking beer, with a touch of exotic rum, for Mon-el and Clark.

As midday turned into an evening everyone left, going back to their homes, Clark, Lois and their kids decided to stay the night making Step want to stay with her cousins, which meant that Bree and Alex could have a night to themselves. Mon-el was secretly hoping that Owen could stay with her since well Him and Kara just got engaged.

Clark and Kara made dinner while Lois and Mon-el took the kids for a walk.

"Are you ok, Mon-el was saying that you're acting a little stress than usual" Clark started the conversation.

"Yeah, I guess. I thought to have mon-el here as my mate would be good, but not as a Nannie it's just as hard. Plus Owen doesn't want to go to daycare, and my interns that I have asked what they would like to do in the future aren't doing anything other than Kia," Kara said without taking a breath. Clark chuckled "You're the CEO, you shouldn't need to be there, take a week to organize everything, and see when you need to be there which means that you can stay at home." Clark explained "With Owen that was the same with Lara and nix, we tired so many daycares, before we found the perfect one, and I know he goes to school in two year, so get him tested, we did that with Lara and nix, and they were so much happier" Clark explained. Kara nodded. "How about this, Lara and Nix have Monday off, the perks of privet school, so how about I come in with you and stay in for the week and help you, we drove so Lois will drive back. I will have to ask her though" Clark said hoping that Kara would accept her offer. "Ok that would be good" Kara said with a smile. "Hey I know this is none of my business, but did he ask you because you guys are having a baby together?" Clark asked "No" Kara started and shook her head. "We have being talking about it. I know we haven't been going out for that long, he makes me happy, and I make him happy. We have had discussions about it; I just thought he would ask me after this baby is born" Kara said happily. Clark nodded.

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