Chapter 11

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OMG !! guys I have had such a busy week, I was working all week then I was asked if I wanted to be permanent which means that I basically I won't have much time to write but I will do my best, plus it's my birthday weekend so I am doing stuff all weekend with mum and then my dad anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter :) 

I walked into my office to see a man in there "I tried to get him out of there Kara but he said something about unfinished business and he said that he knows a really good lawyer" Ally told me. "It's ok my can you get security for me he's not meant to be here." I tell Ally "no worries" she replies with a smile. I walked in. "you can't be here," I told him. "Why, What is not letting me see my son?" He asked again. "Because you said so yourself, we were a one night stand?" I told him, closing the door. "Yeah but if I knew that was on birth control I wouldn't have even slept with you, I mean sure you're the head of CAT CO, but look at you," he said making me cock my neck. I stepped closer to him and slapped his face. "If you ever come near me again then I swear.." I started when the door opened "Kara Mike's here" Ally said I turned around to see Own crying. "Kara somethings not right," Mon-el said I looked at Owen. "You need to leave" I told Adam one more time. "I'm here, your here, your new playboy is here and Owen is here you have a witness to say that I wanted to see my son in court," he said threatening me. "No" I said I looked over at Mon-el, who stood there shrugging his shoulders "Ok, here is the deal, I will give you one chance, next week if you don't turn up to cancel last minute, then there is no way you are going to see him ever again, got it" I tell him. "Ok but next week" he started "But what, if you want to be a father then you have to make sacrifices, you have to give your attention to your child not something else, you have one chance only, ok. You still have the same number?" I told him. "Um yes" he replied "Good, I will message you with all the details, now see I will have to make a sacrifice may be the only time I have to myself, but I am doing it for Owen" I tell him he nods and walks out as the security comes through the door, one escorts him out will the others stays. "If he comes into the building, I think I may want a restraining order, but I am not going to do that just yet," I tell the security guard. He nods giving Owen a high five and walks out.

"You ok?" Mon-el asks me. "Yeah," I said with a sigh. "Now why is he crying?" I asked Mon-el. I don't know, he's has been fine, I knew he was teething, So it wasn't that" he started. "Ok, um has he hit his head, fever?" I asked no he look perfectly normal and his temperature is fine" Mon-el told her. "Ok, um" I started, as I saw Owen's eyes glow. "We need to go to the DEO now," I tell him whispering. He nods as we walk out hiding Owens glowing eyes, I whisper to Ally that we are going to the Deo for Owen and to try forward phone calls and call Nia in say its an emergency. She nodded and called Nia right away as Mon-el and I walked out of the elevator and went straight to the DEO.


We arrived at the DEO at went into the Med Bay, telling Alex and Jhon to meet them there since it was to do with Owen.

"What's going on?" Alex asked as three medics came in with Jhon. Owen was crying even more now "his eyes are glowing, I think we need to give home something to stop the powers from getting out of control." Kara explained, "Ok, go back to work and we will try and get them under control." Alex said "No I'm not leaving my son" I replied angrily. "Kara, I'm here ok. You trust me?" Mon-el asked and I nodded as I started to cry. "OK well, you will trust me that I will call you if anything happens?" He asked me I nodded "Ok, it's all right, now go I will be here with him and if he calls mummy I will call you, so you come running" he explained, I nodded again. "Ok, now to be a boss," he told me giving me a hug, not kissing me since well no one knows that we are trying out being a couple.

Authors POV

Kara walked back into her office to see Nia in her office, she walked in there "Nia are you ok?" Kara said. "Kara, oh thank god your here" she said "um there has been another alien attack that same alien, snapper wanted to run a piece on how much money is going into alien hospitals been created with the alien amnesty" Nia told Kara "its ok, don't worry I will decline it plus your still the boss of editorial, I didn't fire you, and snapper didn't." Cars told Nia, she nodded walking out as my phone went off. "Alex hi," Kara said "Kara, um alien, down in town, calling your name again" Alex told Kara, "I know I can't I need to work Snapper is trying to convince everyone that the money going into the alien hospitals are worse, and should be going into something else" Kara told her sister. "Ok, we will try and tame the alien and bring him in." Alex told her sister "Ok I will talk to him later" Kara responded "Ok" Alex responded

After a heated and long discussion with Snapper, Nia and a few of the editorial staff, Kara sat in her chair rubbing her head, she had to decide Ito fire or keep snapper, he was a great reporter but always seemed to stir trouble, making sure that he had the last word and he got the best piece to write and making sure that he got published, and not anyone else. For Kara it made her lean toward firing him because every time sometime Supergirl or Alien came up he tried to stop it being published because this wasn't magazine that did alien pieces, it used to be a normal magazine, but now it was basically alien this alien that to him, but Kara knew that it had to be diverse and Cat would kill her if she stopped writing about herself as Supergirl, everyone knew in editorial that Supergirl was her thing since she had such a great relationship with her. Kara worked for a couple more hours, with no news on Owen, she started to get worried so she gave mon-el a call to see how everything was going, he said Owen was stable. "So what did they use?" She asked him "Um" he started "Mon— Mike," she said as she saw snapper walked into her office. "Kryptonite," he said quietly "WHAT," she said loudly, enough to make Ally and a few other people stare with the door still open from snapped waling in. "I'm coming in right now, you better tell Alex and Jhon to be prepared," she told Mon-el "Ok he simply said. "Not no snapper, I need to go see my son," she said annoyed. "So you're going to walk away again, you know it's your job to be here 24/7," he told her scolding. She turned to him, looking at him making sure to turn her eyes orange when she is angry. "you know what snapper, I have had enough of you think you are better then everyone, yes you have lost of experience, but this workplace is filled with positivity and encouragement, not who is better then everyone and who gets the most interviews or stories, you if you don't start making this workplace a encoring and positivity workplace I will make you work and maybe it will befit you if I stop giving you articles for a while, help one of the interns get a story, help someone out for once and stop making it be all about you for once" Kara said really angry, walking out with her bag making sure that she was nowhere to be seen so she could fly to the DEO. 

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