Entry 6

276 22 3

February 20th, 2010

So today is Saturday. And usually my Saturday's consist of me staying in my room and writing. But today, Louis is going to hang out with me.

I am really excited. He says he has a lot plan. But there is the gut feeling in my stomach saying I should be worried. Is this really a good idea?

I have to go get ready; he will be here in a few minutes. I'll write in later.


Hey so I am back. So in all honesty...it was amazing! Oh my god just everything was amazing. So he took me to a little forest. Yes I know sounds super creepy, but just wait it gets better.

Ok so anyway, we made it to the forest and we got down. He walked over to his trunk and got out a basket and a blanket. I then realized that I am on my first ever picnic. And he took me to the most beautiful spot.

There was a view of a river. The river looked so beautiful because the sun was shining down on it making it look sparkling. Louis laid down the blanket and offered me his hand. I gave it to him and he sat me down.

We talked for hours. Just cracking up jokes and making each other smile so wide. Louis would grab my hand or caress my cheek every so often. He looked at me with those ocean blue eyes and my pale green ones looked back at him.

I saw pure light and adortion in them. His eyes then fell from my eyes to my lips. He looked back at me and I read his eyes. Who were pleading to let him kiss me. So I did.

The kiss was so magical. Millions of fireworks exploded in me. Every touch was electrifying. We finally stopped kissing after awhile. When we finished he grabbed my hand with the same gentle touch that he always uses, and started making conversation again.

After a few hours, we finally got up and headed back to his car. "So Harry, did you like this picnic date?" He asked in his silky yet raspy like voice. "Yeah I had a amazing time" I said truthfully. He smiled back at me and grabbed my hand.

Are we together now? Should I ask him? What if he denies me? These thoughts were running through my head the whole car ride. Even when we were jamming out to music and shouting the lyrics at the top of our lungs.

Everything was great. Today was a good day. Maybe Louis is the light that I always needed. Maybe he will help me escape the never ending black hole that I am trapped in.

All the love, H


Heyyy it's Leighla. So I hope you are enjoying the book so far.

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love you, Leighla

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