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Foxy and Riley ended up playing Pogs with Freddy for so long that by the time they were done, they could put that second coat of paint on the wall.

"I feel like no human has ever played Pogs for four consecutive hours before. Do you think we broke some kind of record?" Foxy asked as he tied his hair back again.

"Probably," Baby replied.

"Should we try to get that in a record book?"

"Definitely not. I don't want that to be my only known achievement when I die."


There were a few minutes of comfortable silence between them before Foxy remembered something.

"Oh yeah, by the way, when we were in the basement I found one of those disc-things that made those nasty robots we fought all distorted and fleshy-looking. I think Afton dropped it when he broke in. The second time, I mean."

"What did you do with it?" Riley didn't look at him when she asked.

"I busted it. But I was thinking that maybe we should go through the stuff down there to see if we have anything else of his. I was also thinking that we should probably fix that basement window sometime."

"I'll make a note about that window. We can go through that stuff tomorrow after we close."

Foxy looked at Riley in surprise. "You don't want to do it today?"

"No, it's too late now. It can wait. I don't want anything of his in here, but with him gone it can't hurt us to have it for a little longer."



"You do realize that it's only eleven, right? And that you regularly stay up until like, three in the morning?"

"I do realize that. But I feel like I still haven't caught up on the sleep I missed while I was gone."

"Ah, that makes sense."

That seemed as if it should have been obvious. Riley had mentioned a few days ago that she had spent as little time sleeping as possible on her way back. Mostly because sleeping on the forest floor/the side of a back road probably didn't leave her feeling very safe. Of course she was more tired than usual.

They both drew back from the wall, making sure they hadn't missed a spot.

Foxy looked sideways at Riley, feeling the strong urge to say something even though he was almost sure of the response he'd get. "You know, you could take a day off for once if you wanted. You're not required to work all day every day. Especially when you're more exhausted than usual and still recovering from injuries."

Baby spared him a glance before her gaze moved down to her hands. Her fingers and palms were covered in Band-Aids and her left wrist was in a homemade splint. And that was just her hands.

She shrugged him off. "I can still work just fine. I don't need time off."

Yep. That was the answer Foxy expected. He gave her an unamused look and she continued.

"All of us have already had enough time off during our little escapade. We don't need more."

"I'm not sure if I'd count that as time off. It was ten times more stressful than this job."

The only response Foxy received from that was a look of unsurmountable stubbornness telling him he wouldn't win.

He didn't say anything else, silently accepting defeat.

But that was fine.

Things were fine.

And they were slowly getting better day by day. 

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