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Charlie and Michael were just about to leave the room when Foxy, Freddy, and Ballora showed up. They didn't have too much trouble getting to them. Or at least, not as much as they thought they were going to.

Freddy decided to greet the two of them by shouting far louder than he should have. "Ch-charlie! Michael!"

Michael's entire body jolted at the sound. He clumsily spun around and swung Afton's axe, which would have hit Foxy clean in the throat if he hadn't taken a step back in time.

"Oh... s'you three," Micheal said hoarsely. "Sorry."

"We were about to try and find out where Elizabeth took you." Charlie nodded at Foxy.

Foxy hovered his hands protectively in front of his neck. "Yeah... we don't have to worry about her anymore."

"Well then... that's one less thing for us to deal with."

"I hope you didn't cause too much damage to my machinery. It's expensive, you know."

All of them turned around to find Afton. His shadowed form was completely unmistakable as it stood at the mouth of the corridor.

Nobody that still had a flashlight attempted to shine it at him.

"You know what? I suppose actually I don't care all that much if Elizabeth is damaged. She is of little use to me now. Unless you count whatever parts that were left undamaged as being useful for spares."

A door slammed shut somewhere.

"But that's not what I came here to tell you, of course." Afton cleared his throat. "I wanted to make sure you all know that I will have my son back... and that I will have you all dead by tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, you haven't been too successful with that so far," Foxy muttered.

Afton's head snapped towards him. "You... When you are dead, I will make sure that you are strung up on my wall like a trophy. You are a nuisance worse than any other."

Michael took an awkward step forward. "It's one against five now. D'you really think you can take all of us down at once, Dad?"

Afton tilted his head to the side. "Of course not, Michael. Do you take me for an idiot?" He moved a bit to the right.

Riley appeared from the corner beside him, tall and imposing. Another figure followed after her. The steady blue light coming from its eyes gave it away as The Wolf.

"I'm not doing anything else until the odds are appropriately evened out. Kill them."

And then, seemingly all in an instant, the two threats that stood behind Afton started coming at the five of them.

Foxy didn't know if it was because Afton had told her to, because she was still rightfully upset about the whole sledgehammer thing, or because he was standing right in the middle, but Riley went straight for him.

He attempted to get out of her way, but Riley was grabbing onto the front of his shirt before he was even halfway through the motion.

He dropped the metal rod.

The next thing Foxy knew, he and Riley were leaving the rest of the group.

He couldn't tell what was happening to everyone else. All he could see was a mass of shadows that was quickly getting further and further away from him.

He couldn't get separated again. Nothing good ever happened when he was separated. He couldn't be dragged away.

Foxy latched onto anything that he could.

He attempted to grab onto the pipes that were attached to the walls in random places, but they easily slipped from his grasp with dust and/or moisture.


He took hold of the handle of a partially open door. The entire handle popped off, alongside a chunk of rotting wood that surrounded it.


Foxy let the handle drop to the floor.

In his desperation, he tried to awkwardly slip out of his shirt since that was the only thing holding him captive. It was about halfway off when he was dropped to the floor.

Foxy scrambled only about a foot away before Riley stepped over him and grabbed him by his wrists. He had pretty thin wrists, so it wasn't particularly hard for her to grab both with just one hand.

"Riley, let go of me—!" Foxy flailed around as much as possible, kicking at her.

Without warning, he was thrown into a half-open door.

It swung into the wall.

Foxy hit the floor.

A dim, dusty, flickering light bulb swung on the ceiling above him.

Despite his body now screaming at him to stop moving, Foxy forced himself to, turning onto his side.

A fallen shelf came into view, alongside two figures that were sat on the floor: Miles and Elizabeth.

Miles vanished as soon as Foxy made eye contact.

Elizabeth only acknowledged him with a short glance before returning to twirling her knife between her fingers, her head dropping to stare at her lap.

Foxy got back onto his feet, wasting no time in heading straight for the exit. In his stumbling, he bumped into the half-open door and then into its frame. It felt harder than it should have to right himself.

Riley was slowly approaching from the middle of the hallway.

Foxy attempted to slip past her broad-shouldered frame.

She caught him by the arm with her vice-like grip, shoving him back into the room.

He couldn't push himself back up again. 

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