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Foxy made his way from the room he left Elizabeth in to where he had last seen Charlie and Michael. Hopefully, Afton hadn't overpowered the two of them.

Hesitantly, Foxy poked his head into the doorway.

There was no one there.

He stepped a bit further in.

The chairs and a few of the wheeled tables had been overturned. Clearly, the struggle had continued after he had gotten taken away. No blood or bodies decorated the floor, though. It was safe to assume that nobody had died. At least, not in the room.

Foxy headed back out into the hall. He was all by himself once again. Now entirely unsure of what to do next, he decided that he'd just have to wander around until he ran into someone else. Preferably, somebody who wasn't out for his head.

He gripped the metal rod in his hands a little bit tighter, cautiously going down a hallway he had been in earlier. Or maybe he hadn't. It was hard to tell. Everything looked pretty much the same and the darkness made his surroundings fuzzy. Maybe he could relocate the room where Elizabeth had made him drop his flashlight.

A loud thundering started in the distance.

Something was heading his way. Judging by the sound of long nails hitting the hard floor, it was probably that big grey wolf animatronic.

Foxy looked around at the nearby doors. It was probably a good idea to get out of that thing's path before it saw him. Just as he was about to head into the nearest room, somebody grabbed the back of his t-shirt and pulled. Hard.

Suddenly, Foxy was in a cramped, closet-sized space. He raised the metal rod as high up as he could, preparing himself to bash somebody's skull in.

Or at least, he was until somebody turned a flashlight on.

"Freddy? Ballora?"

Ballora raised a finger to her lips, shushing him.

The light turned off once more.

The Wolf rushed past the door, its heavy footfalls eventually fading into the distance.

Foxy waited a good twenty seconds to make sure it wasn't coming back before straightening up and exiting the small room.

Freddy and Ballora followed after him, turning their flashlights back on.

"Feels like it's been forever since I've seen you guys. What's been happening? I heard Freddy scream earlier."

"O-oh, you heard that? It w-was nothing. I only screamed 'cause I l-l-lost a f-finger."

Foxy choked a little, turning around to look at Freddy while he walked. "Wait, you lost a finger!?"

Freddy nodded. "Uh-huh! S-see?" He lifted his right hand (which was the one already wrapped with a bit of Charlie's coat), revealing that half of his pinky finger was missing.

Foxy couldn't quite fathom how he seemed so unaffected. And when he expressed this, Ballora told him, "Oh, he... he was upset. But he calmed down once he realized that—"

"I've g-got a cartoon h-hand now!"

"Yes... that."

"And that's f-fun! But do y-you know what isn't?! We lost Charlie while I w-was busy losing a finger!"

"Oh, I saw her not too long ago. I don't know where she is now, though. I think her and Michael got away." Foxy poked his head around a corner before continuing. "We can find them together."

"What was happening when you saw them last?"

In minimal detail, Foxy explained what had happened in Afton's murder room before Elizabeth carried him off. "The room was empty when I came back."

"Wait." Ballora stopped.

Freddy stopped.

Foxy stopped. "Is that... static I hear? And voices?"

Ballora threw open one of the adjacent doors, revealing a room full of screens of various sizes that were stacked one atop another until they reached the ceiling.

Every single one was turned on. Some played nothing but static, a few were playing some old cartoons and advertisements, and most of them were showing what appeared to be camera feeds.

Dusty keyboards, mice, and panels full of buttons and switches were scattered on an old metal desk.

"This seems excessive," Foxy commented. He and Freddy got closer to the screens while Ballora remained by the doorway, knowing that she wouldn't be able to make out much on them anyway.

"What do you guys see?"

Foxy's eyes were drawn to one of the advertisements. Well, a small chunk of an advertisement that kept looping.

There was a man in a rabbit suit that seemed to be the one Afton was wearing, but back when it was brand new with shiny gold fur and a purple bowtie. In one arm, he held a little girl with strawberry blonde hair and a red bow in her hair. In the other, he held a slightly younger brunet boy that looked to be on the verge of tears. The rabbit would say, "Come to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where your child will make memories they'll never forget!" before a logo would pop onto the screen.

It registered in the back of Foxy's mind that the two children were Riley and Miles. He recognized their faces from the photos shown in the documentary he watched ages ago. And with the knowledge of the murders that ended up taking place at the restaurant, he shuddered at the unfortunate implications and forced his gaze to the screens displaying rooms and corridors.

"I think we're seeing a live feed of this place."

There was nothing happening on most of the cameras. Foxy wondered why this place was so unnecessarily large. What purpose did half of these rooms even serve?

"Oh, yeah, look!" Foxy found the room where he had fought Elizabeth. She was still in there, pacing around the room and moping hydraulic fluid off of her face. Miles sat in the corner. "I can see Miles and Elizabeth!" It looked like the redhead was talking but Foxy couldn't hear anything she was saying. "...But I don't think there's sound."

He kept looking, also spotting The Wolf. Freddy located Riley.

And then...

"Th-there's Charlie and M-michael!"

Foxy's eyes darted to where Freddy was pointing. Charlie and Michael were in the round animatronic-filled room where Elizabeth had held Foxy at knifepoint earlier.

Charlie was sitting on a box, attempting to rebandage her leg while Michael watched her back.

"Hey, we know where that is! Sort of. I bet we can get there before they leave. Or at least, before they get too far. C'mon."

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