Making a Call

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"Michael? Okay, I wasn't sure if this was your number or not. Have you heard—? Okay. Well, it turns out that Elizabeth was working for him. No, no, it wasn't the real her. It turns out she was a... uh, robot. Yes, I'm being serious. The real one is um," Once again, Foxy found himself having trouble saying the word. It was like things had come crashing down back to how they were about a month ago. But they now had two problems to deal with and a friend with a stab wound, "she's still... you know, she's still d-dead."

He looked back at the torn, stained jacket that hung off of one of the back room's chairs next to his bloody sweatshirt. Before the ambulance had shown up, Charlie had mentioned a box in Riley's office and it was currently sitting on the table with its contents strewn about.

"...We want to go after him again. Do you want to...? Alright. No, don't meet us there. Meet us at the hospital. The one on Blacktomb... Charlie got stabbed by Elizabeth. She's supposed to be okay. She knows more than we do so we figured it'd be smart to talk with her there. We'll be there in about an hour. Okay. See you there."

Foxy placed the phone back on the hook.

"Ballora!" he yelled. "Michael is coming!"

"Alright, if you're done talking to him could you please take all of that stuff off of the table and put it into a bag? We're taking it with us."

"Sure!" Foxy grabbed a backpack off of the coat rack by the door, emptying the few contents he had in it out.

First, he grabbed the jacket.

He felt wrong touching it. It was stained with dirt, soot, hydraulic fluid, and blood. His friend's blood. She died in it. That creature ripped her to shreds, it...

Foxy shook the thoughts off before they could go any further. He quickly shoved it into the bag while touching as little of it as possible. Following it was the lighter, the bottle of red stuff, and finally, the disgusting photographs.

There was also a folder crammed full of documents, notes, and newspaper articles they had gone through during their first search for Afton. Foxy figured he should probably pack that as well.

He zipped up the backpack and headed back into the hallways to find Ballora and Freddy.

He found both of them at the front of the building.

"Are you ready to go, Foxy?"


"Well, th-that's good, 'cause w-we've g-got all of the other stuff t-together. Stuff like the car k-keys!" Freddy threw the keys at Foxy, who barely managed to catch them before they hit him square in the nose.

"The hospital is rather far away, so we should probably leave now," Ballora said.

"Right." Foxy was ready to find Afton and Elizabeth and actually put a stop to them.

He was annoyed that all of the things they went through the first time around meant nothing, that Afton just sprang back like it was nothing.

He was upset that one of his best friends was actually dead and that she had suffered in the process.

He was angry that Elizabeth had come along and impersonated her. That she just showed up at the door and acted like she was her.

She wasn't. And she never would be.

"Let me warm up my car. You guys can toss the stuff in the trunk."

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