Beating Heart

146 18 4

Foxy couldn't get back up. He tried and failed again and again.


Riley was quickly closing the space between them with her long strides.

Foxy started to scramble back across the floor.

"Riley, stop. Please."

There was a scoff -- or maybe it was a short laugh -- from somewhere beside him. It was followed by the sound of a bunch of something metal rolling across the floor, one of which bounced off of his elbow.

Foxy grabbed it, finding it to be another one of those metal rods.

A pincer full of rusty, bloodied nails came straight towards him.

Without thinking, Foxy raised the rod up with both hands. It was broken in two as soon as the pincer clamped down.

Foxy's eyes darted between the two halves. "Crap." He chucked the two halves.

Riley blocked one with her arm while the other sailed past her head.

Foxy picked up a second rod. He forced himself up into a kneeling position, and then shakily back onto his feet.

Riley remained still while he did. All she did was stand there and watch.

Foxy wielded his weapon like a bat, trying to force himself to forget the face behind the cracked clown mask. He couldn't keep fighting her. If Foxy could take down Elizabeth, he could take down Riley too.

No, it wasn't Riley anymore. All that remained was a lifeless drone of Afton's.

There wasn't even a face behind that mask. Not one that he knew, anyway.

There were no eyes looking at him, even though it felt like there were.

Those eyeholes led to nothing but a dark void of nothingness.

Foxy wasn't going to hurt somebody he cared a lot about.

It was just a shell.

It was nothing.


Riley began to slowly approach, closing the short distance between them.


Foxy braced himself.

The pincer snapped open again.

Foxy swung but made contact with nothing but air. He missed.

Riley never actually got close enough for him to hit her. Something held her back. Someone held her back. A pair of arms had caught her around the throat.

Foxy caught the gaze of a green eye. A couple of drops of hydraulic fluid hit the floor. His jaw dropped.

"Kneel down," Elizabeth hissed. Forcefully, she pushed Riley down onto her knees. She remained motionless once she hit the floor.

Foxy also went stock-still. He had lost the ability to move.

"Scott, that encounter was painful to watch. That swing you were about to make..." that short laugh repeated, sounding slightly more forced, "that wouldn't have done anything to stop her from disemboweling you."

"You saved me," Foxy whispered in shock. It was the only thing that he could manage to get out.

Elizabeth looked away from him. "Well, I was sort of hoping that you would be able to save yourself again, but clearly it was only dumb luck last time. I even kicked the rods over to you, thinking that you could make proper use of them."

"You saved me," Foxy repeated.

The animatronic sighed, seeming almost annoyed. "We did establish that, yes. Can we move on? The more you repeat it the more I start to regret my decision."

"Sorry," he apologized quickly, "but... I just... why? Weren't you hellbent on gouging my eyes out just a little bit ago?"

"Listen, I know that you probably hate me and the things I've done. I know that you have every right to. I know that when you did care for me it was only because you thought that I was someone else. Her," she gestured half-heartedly to Riley, "but I have definitely received more respect... and... and love from you and the others than I ever have from Father. So... despite everything, while you are still here, I feel that I might owe you my help. As a... thank you?"

"Thank you?" Foxy echoed, utterly confused. "Wait, you want to help us?"

Elizabeth's head dipped down towards the floor again.

"Yes. Listen, when you left, for a shadow of a moment, I thought you were right about him. But then, rather quickly, I decided once again that your words were idiotic and wrong. Miles told me I was being delusional. I told him to shut up. I told him that I was going to prove him wrong.

"I headed out and happened upon you and your friends talking with Father and his walking can openers. I heard him say that I am useful for nothing but spare parts. Those words hurt me more than anything. I mean, I knew deep down that was how he felt about me and that you were right, but I was in denial until I heard it out loud." Elizabeth paused. "You're right, Fox. Alex. As much as it pains me to admit it, you're right. And I am done being the mat that Father wipes his feet on. If you are willing to accept, I would like to offer my aid to you."


"Yes... Seriously." 

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