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Foxy whipped back around, not all that surprised when his flashlight landed on Elizabeth as she stalked out of the shadows, removing herself from the tangles of deactivated machinery that she had apparently been hiding in.

He shot her the dirtiest look he could muster. She simply laughed at it, twirling that small pushbutton knife between her fingers as she crossed the floor toward him.

Perhaps Foxy hadn't noticed during the stabbing incident because he was so caught up on the slew of hard-to-digest information, but Elizabeth's movements were much more mechanical with the illusion disc gone. What was once very fluid and human-like had become extremely jerky and artificial.

"Is that the look you give all of your friends when you see them?" She tilted her head to the side.

Foxy bit back a rude reply. There were more important things to focus on. "What did you do to Michael?" he demanded.

Elizabeth gave an odd grin. Foxy couldn't tell if it looked unnatural because she was a machine or because she was forcing it.

"What did I do? I haven't done anything to him. Not yet, anyway. I don't usually do the abducting. That's more for his kind," she gestured vaguely to the wolf animatronic before stopping just short of Foxy, "and her."

Foxy was suddenly rooted to the spot despite being ready to run if need be moments before. "Her?" he echoed stupidly, already knowing who Elizabeth was referring to.

Elizabeth's grin widened. In tandem with her glassy, dead gaze it was quite scary. "Yes, her."

The next few seconds seemed to happen very quickly and Foxy didn't have enough time to snap himself out of it. Elizabeth was much faster than she appeared to be and the next thing Foxy knew, the stained blade of the knife was close to his face and her arm was around his throat, pinning him against her.

Foxy struggled in her hold, but couldn't get Elizabeth's cold metal arm to budge even an inch. Her slightly tinny voice was right next to his ear, sending an unpleasant chill down his spine. "You've already seen her, haven't you?" He could feel the blade being lightly dragged across one of the cuts the nails of Riley's pincer had left earlier. "That encounter is what these are from, correct?"

Foxy tried to pull away, but he didn't have a whole lot of room to squirm. "You know," it was difficult to talk with how much pressure she was placing on his throat, "you lied to me earlier. You said she was dead. You said you saw that thing drag her back."

"Oh, that wasn't a lie. I did watch it drag her in. And make no mistake, she was dead. I thought you would've figured it out since you've already met Miles and know about Father, but I guess not." The grip on his neck got a little tighter. Elizabeth got a little closer to his ear. "Not everything that dies stays dead. Though, I do suppose your friend is still technically gone. Not really acting like herself, is she?"

"What did you do to her?"

"Well, you see, Miles knows to play along so that he can keep his sanity. She couldn't do the same. So much hatred in her, there is. It was very difficult to get her to cooperate."

Elizabeth turned around and Foxy was forced to turn as well.

"See that animatronic?" she whispered, pointing her knife at a clown animatronic half-illuminated by Foxy's fallen flashlight.

The thing sat slumped against the wall, leaning to one side as if it was about to fall over. Its faceplates were arranged in the same way that Elizabeth's were, but some of them were dented and barely hanging on. In the middle of its stomach was a large cavity. The paint around the empty space was very discolored. By the looks of it, it was because of something that had splattered onto it long ago.

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