Only the brave {23}

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Hey, what's up? It's been a while hehe x

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1 week ago

"Harry?" Louis muttered, blinking as he adjusted to the darkness of the room, his pupils dialating in a frantic attempt to find light

He felt Harry before he saw him, before he even heard the rise and fall of his sleeping breaths. He knew Harry's touch, knew how the man's chest felt beneath him

Even whilst he was slightly drunk and in a foreign bed; he knew Harry, he knew his touch, his scent, his skin

"Are you awake?" Louis whispered, his words met with near silence

He sighed softly, glancing down to where there bodies were intertwined, lit up my the dull, pale moonlight that was seeping into the roon

Despite not knowing how he got where he was or why he was even there, Louis felt safe in Harry's arms

And so he felt back to sleep in peace


Louis trusted his own brain

He knew his mind better than anyone else in the world, and he credited him self with a semi-decent memory

But what he thought he remembered about that night was to strange to be trusted, even though his mind remembered it so vividly

It seemed only fair to ask

"How did I end up sleeping in your bed, Zayn?" Louis questioned, blinking up at the dark haired man from across the table

Harry choked on his cereal "Sorry" he muttered, coughing into his hand

"I uh, put you there" Zayn answered

"Oh" Louis said softly, eyeing Harry suspiciously "Where did you sleep?" He asked Zayn

Zayn shrugged "With Liam" he replied, and Louis gaped at him "I mean- not like that" he rushed out "Um, I mean- there was no more beds" he clarified

Louis turned to face Harry, disregarding Zayn's last remark "Where did you sleep?" He questioned


"Sam remember" Liam cut in "On the couch" he added quickly "He only left this morning"

Louis blinked "Oh" he said softly, hands going to the phone that was perched in his lap and pressing on his most trusted contact

My blonde bitch: Niall, I think something happened. And I think Harry's lying to me about it



"Well, I told you not to trust blondie" Liam stated, eyeing Zayn who was tapping his foot patiently whilst waiting for his phone to ring

Zayn huffed in reply "Give him a minute" he muttered, not taking his eyes off of the phone

"He's not going to call us back" Liam replied "Let's just go round there and bust them ourselves" he suggested

Harry shook his head at this "Absolutely not" he cut in "I hope to god that it didn't even work" he added

Zayn scoffed at this "It's all good and well you hating us for this" he said "But someone's gotta be the bad guy to get things done" he pointed out "You'll thank us when you and Louis are having your fifth year anniversary"

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