Drifting away

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I don't wanna be the one who's always crying
in a corner of my room.
I don't wanna be the one who's broken inside
as if it's forever my doom.
I don't wanna be the one who's never alright.

And I wish I could be fine.
Just fine is enough,
even if it's tough,
even if it hurts me still.
At least it won't be killing me,
at least I'd still breathe...

But when I close my eyes
that's all I hear:
screams of my inner me
bleeding out all my insanity;
asking for help,
asking for freedom.

I can't let it out,
but it's tearing me apart.
I want to let it go,
but it won't stay that far.

And it breaks my soul,
can't keep living with it inside anymore.
Need to clean my mind; after all,
is it my fault?

Need to take it away,
just take it away from me,
before it takes me away.
It's taking me away from here.

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