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I don't know how long I was asleep, but I'm now inside a different room. Unlike what I expected, no chains or ropes are tied to me. Instead I'm simply here in this soft, relaxing bed that I'd definitely love to stay in if only I'm in a different situation. "You're finally awake." A man in a black overall entered the room.

Does this guys know that there are such thing as other colors. Like there's not a guy that I've seen since this happened that wore a suit that isn't black.

"You must be wondering why we did this." I wanted to nod, but in the same time, something in me just wanted to stay quiet. So I sat there with my back leaning towards the head board as I waited for the man to talk. "We have a reasonable explanation for all of this, and if things go as plan, you might as well see the love of your life." Just by hearing those words wanted me to stand up and run for wherever Cassy is. I needed her, I missed her, and I won't let us both be separated this time. Not now that I'm being closed to being able to hold her again.

"What's the reason?" I asked just as he was about to close the door behind him. "Its quite a long story little brother, but I'll be thrilled to tell it to you." He then went back inside the bedroom and sat on a chair. "You see, we are not the bad guys. There's a whole different story behind all of this chaos. There's a reason why Cassy left and why she suddenly went missing. Believe it or not, her family is not the best family anyone can have. Her dads a leader both in the political and mafia world. While her mom is always beside his dad, guiding and suggesting for every move he makes. Their family deals with drugs and Cassy never wanted to be involved with it, so Blake took her to your hometown. Unfortunately for all of you, the Cassy you once cared and love about went missing. Her family is well aware of what she feels about their business, but they chose to ignore her emotions. Little did they know is that their daughter started to meet more people from their world, for example, me. Cassy and I became good friends and she also met my family. Together, she felt the home she was looking for and the family she's been dreaming to have. It was like her whole life became perfect within seconds, but a quick turn was taken once more. Cassy's dad caught us and he wanted her back to their filthy mansion. Cassy fought hard to not go back with him, but eventually she also grew tired. I promised her that I'll help her and will get her out."

Before the story even ends, another man showed up in the room. "Looks like your doing just fine Ethan." The man who stood in front of me said with a cheery smile. "D-dad?" My hands started to sweat and every inch of my body began to shake. "Welcome home little brother." My attentions went back to the first guy that checked on me. "What are you saying? Who are you?" My mind was beginning to shift its gears and I've arrived to the point when everything seems to be way too much to take.

"Calm down Ethan. We'll explain everything, just calm down." My dad states as he also sat beside me. "I never even had an older brother. Back home its just you, me, and mom." I looked at both of them with bewilderment as I waited for an explanation. "Well, let's say there are some things that needed to be done in order to keep you safe."

Safe? Safe from what? My head is about to explode with all of this information that are being stabbed into me. Questions dazzling my entire being demanding for answers instantly.

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