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Before the sun even rise, I made sure to set up my plan for Lucas. I got ropes, itching powder, fake spiders, and many more only for him.

"Ethan, you do you. I love you, but I'm out."

Cassy didn't want to help or assist me which I understands. Its between me and my brother and I'll make sure that he will pay.

I knocked on his door, running quickly as I heard his bed creak indicating that he is out of bed.

"Yeah?" He says as he opens the door.

Oh just a little bit more step brother.

I was hiding in the stairs making sure that I won't miss even just a glimpse of what is about to happen.

"Did someone kno-"

Before he even get to finish his sentence, the bucket of his worst nightmare had fallen straight for him.

I kept my mouth shut which I realized was not that easy, so I ran as fast as I could down the stairs until I reached the dining room.

"Good morning!"

I greeted taking my seat next to Cassy.

"That is one evil thing you've done Ethan."

I nodded in agreement knowing that they had the privilege to hear Lucas' Hollywood worthy scream.


An angry looking Lucas covered with slime and spiders budged inside the dining room.

"Oh, hey brother! What's with the new style?" I tried to held back my laughter...

Key word is tried

"O-oh my freaking goodness!!!" That's all I ever got to say seeing that I am already laughing while mopping the dining floor with my own self.

"You're going to pay for this brother! Watch out!" He shouted as he went back to his room to wash himself.

I finally managed to stand up and go back to my seat.

"Normal parents would ground you son." My dad said as my mom started to wipe away the sweat on my face.

"Well, what can I say, you guys are extra ordinary!" I winked as I started to eat my breakfast.


After breakfast, my family and I decided to just have fun and stay inside the house. Lucas had to attend a meeting and do a few paperworks, but he promised that once he's done, he'll be joining us at the living room.

"So, is your revenge plan done?"

Cassy asked as we started to put away the chess board.

"I'm just starting my love."

I teased as she stood up leaving me on my own and the game pieces.

"Hey! You still have to help me here."

I laughed as I started to pick up the small mess on the floor.

"Son, your mom and I have to leave for an emergency meeting in Paris. I trust you and your brother to take care of Cassy and the home alright?"

The engines in my brain are already showing me a ton of ideas and opportunities to update my plan, making me forget that my parents are still waiting for my response.

"Oh, of course dad. Lucas and I will take good care of Cassy and the house."

Dad pats my back as mom gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you!"

They shouted as they walked out of the front door.

"Lucas, mom and dad are gone! I'm in charge."

No response went back so maybe he was busy and too focused on his work.

"Hey Cassy, mom and dad left."

I don't what I did, but she immediately ran upstairs and slammed the door to her room.

"The monster is going to attack!"

She screamed making me to burst into another of laughter.

"Dude, what happened to her?"

Lucas asked coming down from the stairs.

Oohhhh should I still continue my plan?

"She's fine."

I simply said, putting away the games we played.

"Parents gone, any idea?"

"Yeah they said they have an emergency meeting to Paris."

Lucas nodded as he sat on the couch.

"Hey, uhmm do you mind if you check on the pizza? I kind of left it a few minutes ago in the microwave."

As expected, like any other guy, Lucas sped off to the kitchen as if running to see the girl of his dreams.

Time for my next plan.

I thought to myself as I grabbed the itching powder from my secret shelf.

I sprinkled it on the couch he last sat into, making sure that it got every corner as well.

"Dude! There's no pizza in there."

I almost jumped from the place I was standing because I didn't realized that he was already there.

Maybe I'm too into this prank?

"Hey! I actually forgot to tell you that I was just about to order pizza. Sorry."

He just shrugged as I walked into the other part of the living room, grabbing my phone as I sneakily hid the itching powder.

"What the!!!!!!"

I then heard my brothers scream of agony as he plunged in the couch covered with itching powder.


I wanted to see how he looks like, but that's kind of like giving myself to a hungry lion. So I decided to let him cool off before I go out.


Another shout from the living room was heard, but this time, I feel like its a different call.


I asked as I slowly walked back to the living room.


I then saw my brother motioning me to approach him as he points to something out the window.

"Its an enemy!"

I looked out the window and it all hit me at once. I saw Blake walking out of a black car as he stares at the mansion in front of him.

I then felt myself being dragged away from the window as I realized that Lucas is really dragging me up the stairs.

"We need to keep Cassy safe."

As her name falls out of my brothers mouth, my feet suddenly stood on its ground as I marched inside her room.

"Cassy!" My voice boomed inside the almost empty room.

"Yeah, I saw it too. What would we do?"

I looked behind me for confirmation to Lucas.

"We fight."

That Summer DayWhere stories live. Discover now