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Even if there was a fire it was still freezing. Karma was shivering so she went to grab her red hoodie. Hope honestly didn't care. And Jae. Jae looked like she was dead inside. She looked worried.
"So,will we introduce ourselves properly?" Asked Kookie,breaking the silence. Once again.
"Why should we? They will be dead in 2 days." Sighed Yoongi.
"What's wrong with you?" Asked Hope. Frowning.
"Nothings wrong with me,I'm speaking facts." Shrugged Yoongi.
Hope sighed with frustration and just looked at the fire.
"Well. We already know names. What's the plan for tomorrow?" Asked Jimin.
"Just keep going." Said Namjoon.
"We could try find a plane and get somewhere else." Suggested Karma,once again.
"This isn't a damn fairytale. You hardly think any of us can drive a plane?!" Said Jae annoyed.
"At least I gave an idea." Replied Karma.
"The only good plan we have is to just keep going." Said Tae.
"Right then." Said Jin.
Everyone was silent for a few seconds.
"I'm hungry." Frowned Hobi.
Hope laughed at his sentence. They were talking about surviving and then Hobi just says he's hungry. Hope passed him a sandwich.
"Thanks!" Smiled Hobi,taking the sandwich and eating it.
"Is there anymore?" Asked Yoongi.
Hope gave them all a sandwich. Jae refused though.

The Next Morning.

Hope yawned, realizing Yoongi wasn't there. She put on her hoodie and went to find him. She found him trying to find some chocolate.
"You want chocolate?" Asked Hope.
Yoongi nodded.
"Wait here." Said Hope. Running to get her bag. She was looking through her bag but then she saw a person outside. It wasn't a walker. It was a person.
Hope grabbed the chocolate and ran back to Yoongi.
"You have chocolate?!" Gasped Yoongi,smiling his gummy smile.
"Yeah,but Yoongi,someone is out there. Not a walker,a person." Said Hope.
Yoongi looked confused and looked through the wood they had used to barricade the doors. It was indeed a person.
Yoongi sweared and looked at Hope.
"We will wait until they leave." Said Yoongi.
Hope nodded. Hope always liked Yoongi. But she acts like she hates him. Jae and Karma hate the boys so Hope went with them.
"What's going on?" Asked Namjoon,appearing out of nowhere.
Yoongi and Hope both gave Namjoon the SHUSH look.
He looked confused but nodded.
The person came up to them. It was a girl.
"Please! Help!" Cries the girl.
"Peace?!" Said Karma. Alarmed.
"Karma?!" Replied Peace.
Karma came over and took off the wood and let her in.
"Idiot!" Said Yoongi. Putting it back up.
Peace came in and sat down. Jae was awake already. And she was angry. That included Hope too.
"Are you bit?" Asked Karma.
"No." Replied Peace.
Hope went and sat beside Jae.
"That bi*ch" Snarled Jae. Hope frowned. Not at Jae. At Peace.
Everyone was worrying about Peace. They were worrying about her because they didn't trust her. After a while they had planned so set off. Karma insisted that Peace was coming with them. Yoongi said there was no more room.
"Leave Hope behind" Said Karma.
Hope had felt betrayed and Hurt.
"No." Said Yoongi and Jae.
"Just fit Peace in the back" Frowned Karma.
"Leave fuc*ing Peace behind." Shouted Hope.
Hope never really sweared. But right now she didnt give a damn about Peace. Karma had turned on her for Peace.
"Who are you even? Hope? What type of name is that?" Scoffed Peace.
Hope got up to punch her. But Yoongi stopped her.
"She has a better name that you. Peace? The only Peace I see here is of us not  throwing you out to get eaten alive" Snarled Yoongi.
"Now get out. Before you get a punch in the face by Hope,AND me." Said Jae.
Peace scoffed.
"You won't be scoffing in a minute when your out there getting eaten alive." Mumbled Hobi.
Hope Smiled. At least Hobi,the innocent child he is. Is on Hope's side. Sadly,not everyone was on their  side. Karma was on Peace's side. She didn't know why the girls hated her so much. Really,it was because. That will be explained later.
There was a lot of arguing.
"Guys.." Said Hobi.
No one listened.
"Guys!" Said Hobi. A little louder this time.
No one listened.
"GUYS!" Shouted Hobi.
They all stared.
"Zombies.." Said Hobi.
"Sh*t." Sweared Yoongi. 
"Great." Sighed Hope.
"Shush." Said Jin.

Everyone went silent.
Then Peace started screaming.
"Shut up!" Said Hope.
Suddenly a zombie barged through the door. They had no clue how, but it happened.
Hope went and stabbed his leg,making him fall to the ground.
"Grab your bags and get into the van! Yoongi,Keys!" Ordered Hope.
They grabbed their bags and ran. Hope Grabbed her bag and Yoongi's bag.

Jin was the last. He was trying to put out the fire. Suddenly a zombie came up towards him. Jin started to scream. Jae came up and stabbed the zombie.
"JIN! RUN!" Screamed Jae. Grabbing Jin's hand.
Zombies were chasing them.
Yoongi opened the back and put the bags in there. Then he ran to get the car started.
Jae and Jin got to the car. Hope got in the front.
Jae,Karma,Peace,Jin, Jimin and Tae all got in the back. Leaving Namjoon,Hobi,And Kookie in the middle. Yoongi started driving. Everyone cooled down.
"It's all because of you!" Jae said,pointing at Peace.
"If it wasn't for you we wouldn't be arguing!"
Peace laughed.
"Shut up you." Snarled Jae. "Your Lucky we didnt leave you there to die."
"I don't care." Said Peace.
"Wait until you die then you will care." Jae said.
The van was silent for a while. Everything had happened so fast.
"So Tae,how've you been?" Asked Peace.
Tae was silent.
"Don't talk to him." Said Jae.
"Why?" Asked Peace.
"Because he doesn't want-"
"After all,He is my ex boyfriend. Did you know?


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