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As Hobi and Hope were in the truck, they got some information about that girl. Her name was Angie. That's all they had got. She was quiet while driving. Hobi and Hope were looking around. They knew this didn't happen often. In the back of a truck getting fresh air. Looking everywhere. Some reason, there was no walkers. It was like..Before, all the shit happened. And to ruin the moment, they caught the eyes of a walker chasing them. The walker was slow though. Hope didn't bother picking up her gun and shooting. She was tired. She wanted to cry. All of her negative moods piling into one big feeling. Hobi didn't move at all. He kept staring into one space. The sun. He kept staring at that one place.

They had arrived at the little shop everyone had settled down in. Hope jumped out and went to the door, making sure there was no walkers lurking. She started knocking the door gently.

"Guys. It's me, Hope." She whispered. No reply. She raised her eyebrow before turning to Hobi. Angie was watching them. Angie got out of the truck and went to look at the door.

"Here?" She asked looking through the window in the door. Hope nodded. Angie grabbed her axe. Hobi's eyes widened. Angie started banging the door down. Hope gasped.

"It'll cause too much noise!" Hope gasped. Angie shrugged. "When they come, kill them."
Hope rolled her eyes. When the door was busted down, nobody was inside. Hope gasped. She ran in and looked around. Nobody was there. She fell to the floor. Nearly in tears. Angie entered and looked around. She came back from looking around. Hobi was busy walking around not saying anything, he was trying to hold back his tears from flowing. Angie was silent. She gulped.

"You want to see this." She told them. Hope looked at her and stood up before going to the room. There was a massive circle, with an X in the middle. There was 8 blood markings on the wall. Hope gasped. It was a sign.

"I know this sign." Angie mumbled. Hope looked at her. "What is it?!" Angie went silent before hearing Hobi scream. Hope ran to find him gone. There was the sign again on the wall. Hope gasped. "Hobi?!" Angie walked out and realized. She grabbed Hope and brought her into the other room.

"They're here." Angie whispered telling Hope to shush. Hope was holding back tears. They heard muttering in the other room. Angie and Hope were silent for a second. They gulped.

All Hope could remember was someone running into the room, 5 of them actually. Seeing Angie getting taken away. And seeing herself getting taken away. All she could remember was being thrown in the truck Angie had.

~The Zombie Apocalypse~ BTS ff.Where stories live. Discover now