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credits to whoever made this picture ^
as I promised you guys, extra long chapter for the ends, enjoy! also, there will be a few finale parts, and a whole ending chapter.


Hope looked at Anni, emotionless.
"What?!" Jin Asked, thinking she was joking.
"T-T-There's so much dead people!" Anni Cried. Hobi ran over to her and hugged her.
"What do we do?!" Blake asked panicking.
"We need to go." Joon said. "Get your bags, Anni, how close are they?"
"Not far. But we might have time." Anni replied. Joon nodded. Everybody grabbed their bags. Hope took the wire and put it in her bag.

"I don't have to take everything? Do I?" She thought. "We'll come back." Hope came downstairs. Jin had the truck out front. Hope could see the zombies more clear.

"Okay, four get in the car and everyone else in the truck." Joon said.
"I'll take Raven and Blake. Seeing as Blake only knows me." Hope said.
"Can I go with you guys?" Karma Asked.
"Sure." Hope Smiled. Jin came through the front door.
"Jimin is in the truck now. He's asleep. And I locked it so if any walkers come it'll be fine." Jin explained and he lifted his bag on his back. They had just come back home, and now they are already leaving again. Joon nodded.
The groups were:
Joon, Yoongi, Jin, Jimin, Hobi and Anni were going in the truck and Raven, Hope Blake and Karma.

Hope ran outside and put Raven into the basket. She put the baby chair in the boot. Raven was asleep already. Hope put the seatbelt on Raven, while she was in her basket. And Blake jumped in beside her.

Karma went to the truck and asked Jin to open it. He opened it and Karma looked at Jimin. She smiled before jumping out and going to Hope's car and got into the front.

"Do we have any way to communicate while driving?" Jin Asked.
"Uh..Do we have walkie talkies?" Anni Asked. Jin shook his head.
"Just follow each others cars." Joon said.
"Okay, get into the cars and we'll follow your trucks." Hope said. Hope put her bag in the boot and got into the car. Everyone else got into the truck. Joon nodded at Hope and they drove. Blake looked back and could see all the zombies chasing them, soon stopping later.


They drove for about an hour. Until they were out of town, again. Karma groaned, knowing they had left town again.

"There's no where we can call home anymore, is there?" She asked. Hope took a deep sigh.

"At this point. Home isn't a thing in this world anymore." Hope replied. She quickly turned her head to see Karma looking down.

"Kar?" Hope Asked, looking back at the road. Hope heard the silent cries from Karma.

"Karma!?" Hope asked again.

"I miss her Hope." Karma cried.  Hope stayed silent, she looked back swiftly and realized Blake was asleep, along with Raven. Hope looked back on the road. She had realized who Karma was talking about.

"I miss her too." Hope mumbled.

"I miss her annoying jokes and the way she didn't care about the people that hurt her, she cared for us though when we were hurt." Karma cried. "It was always three, never two." Hope grabbed Karma's hand.

"It'll be okay. Please don't make me cry Karma." Hope spoke. Karma just cried some more. Hope held back her tears. She always did. The thing that hurt the most was that Jae was the one to comfort them all. One time Karma got into an argument with one of the girls at school.

|~| flashback |~|

"That bitch. I hate her so much! Now I'm in detention for two weeks over her!" Karma said, kicking a rock as the girls were walking home.

"It's not as bad as it seems, knowing you, you won't even go to detetion." Jae chuckled.

"Yeah." Hope agreed. Karma rolled her eyes.

"I just can't believe it! She just started a rumor that I was the one who painted the whole back of the school!" Karma roared with anger.

"We have to admit, we do all know that it was those boys, Who were they again?" Hope pointed out.

"The 'BTS' boys." Jae giggled.

"The fuck, 'BTS'?" Karma asked.

Jae laughed. "It's the boys that painted the whole school."

Karma realized. "Ohhh."

"Karma, you should just join their group, seeing as your so badass." Hope said.

"Hell nah! This is my group." She said looking at the two girls. Hope and Jae smiled.

|~|end of flashback |~|

Hope had stayed silent. Karma had stopped crying a little. Hope followed the truck. She was confused on where the hell they were going.


Hobi and Anni were talking. Jin was focusing on the road, telling Joon where they should go. Yoongi was thinking to himself.

"Joon, what's that place over there?" Jin Asked, pointing to a building.

"A place we could stay for the night." Joon replied, turning over towards the building. He looked at his side window and Hope was following them. Joon drove up in front of the building. It wasn't that big. It was like an office area. It could do them the night.  Jimin woke up.

"Guys!? Where am I!? What happened!?" Jimin panicked.

"Jimin calm down! There was...A horde. And we had to evacuate." Anni explained. Jimin looked at everyone.

"Wait..Where's Karma!? Hope!?" Jimin Asked looking around, nearly in tears.

"They went on another car! They're fine!" Anni told him. Jimin nodded slowly. Joon pulled over into the building. Jin looked behind him and saw Jimin awake.

"Jimin! How do you feel?" Jin Asked. Jimin nodded, showing he was better, well...Sort of. Joon parked the car in one of the parking spots. Hope drove beside them and parked as well. She looked over to Joon as he exited the truck.

"The building looks big, a few people should go in." Hope said. Joon picked out, Karma Yoongi And Himself. Joon realized.

"Wait, it's a shopping mall." Joon said. Hope Smiled. "There will be loads of stuff then, probably."

Karma Yoongi Joon and Hope walked into the shopping mall. The others stayed in the truck. Where it was safe. Jin could drive so if walkers attacked them, he could drive away, and come back of course.

There was doors that opened by themselves. Joon groaned.

"How are we supposed to open the doors?!" Joon Asked them. Yoongi rolled his eyes as he clicked the button, the doors slid open. Joon looked at Yoongi confused.

"My parents worked here." Yoongi added, walking in. Karma and Hope shrugged at Joon and entered the mall. Joon groaned and walked in.


Hope and Karma gasped at the place. It was huge, but that also means there's a lot of zombies they would have to take out. Even when they think all the walkers were out of the place. One would pop up out of nowhere. There was a few walkers which were at the entrance, Joon Yoongi and Karma killed them.

"Holy shit." Hope said. They turned their head towards her. They saw the direction she was looking at.

It was an area, with...People.

~The Zombie Apocalypse~ BTS ff.Where stories live. Discover now