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Hope went through the woods, while holding the baby. Thinking of what to call her, while trying to think or where to find everyone else. She could try the shop, but that would have loads of zombies by now. And that sign they had left. With the X and stuff. Hope decided to keep walking and hopefully find something.

"What should we name you?" Hope asked looking down at the baby. The baby looked up at her with shining blue eyes. "Darcy? Kayla? Elise?" The baby smiled at all the names. "Raisin?" The baby stopped her smile at the unusual name. Hope gave a weak smile for a minute.

"We should stop somewhere to sit down." Hope said coming to a tree that fell down. A Raven flew down beside them. "That's not something you see everyday.." Hope thought. The Raven slowly stepped forward towards the baby and put its nose to the baby. The baby giggled at the Raven. The Raven jumped but didn't fly away. It stayed there. Hope stared at the Raven for a good minute. The Raven looked up at Hope. It looked back down at the baby. It put its nose towards the baby girl before flying away.

"Raven." Hope said. "Come on, Raven. We have a lot of walking to do." Hope said to the little baby, now known as Raven.


Yoongi was at the back, isolating himself from everyone. Jimin tried giving him a hug but Yoongi didn't move. Angie was the same. But she took a hug from Anni. Anni fell asleep, Hobi beside her.

"So, Whats your name?" Joon asked the girl driving.

"Why would I tell you?" She Asked.

"Because it's kind of awkward knowing you as 'the girl' " Joon said. The girl sighed.

"It's Elizabeth. Call me Lizzie or Liz for short." Liz said. Joon nodded looking at Jin who was asleep.

"How kind have you all been together?" Liz asked him.

"Since the start of it all actually." Joon replied. "Why were you...working for Peace?"

"I had nowhere to stay. I was planning on taking some guns and a truck and getting the hell out of there, but I knew they would find me. So I stayed. Until now." Liz explained.

"So why did you help us?" Joon Asked.

"Because you basically helped me escape. You don't know how long I've been wanting to pull
The trigger on Peace. Why should we even call her Peace anymore?" Liz said. Joon stayed quiet, mostly because he was falling asleep himself. Liz wasn't tired at all. Karma and Jimin were beside eachother. Jimin was crying. Karma was beside him, hugging him. "It'll be okay Chimmy." Karma assured him. Jimin hugged Karma and cried some more. They had arrived at somewhere.


Hope started walking. She kept walking and walking, until she stumbled upon a place. The shop they were in before! And none of the stuff has been taken! Jackpot. Hope ran in and made sure there was no zombies. There wasn't. Hope locked the door and went to look around. She found a basket. She put Raven into the basket along with a blanket. It was pretty big but it would be okay for both of them. Hope found some food and water. Hope grabbed a bag and filled it with supplies. She found something on the floor. A picture of Jae Karma and Her, Hope. Hope almost cried but she held it back. She put the picture into her coat pocket and went on searching. She found a gun, no bullets though. She had to find them. She put the gun in the bag and went searching. She checked everywhere. After a few minutes she found some bullets. And keys! Hope opened the door gently. The bag on her back, and carrying Raven in the basket. She went around back and saw..A car! Hope thanked god. The keys were for the car. She put Raven into the front and attempted to do the seatbelt. Surprisingly it worked! Hope put the back on the floor of the car and started the engine. She started driving.

"I'm going home." She said. Home.

~The Zombie Apocalypse~ BTS ff.Where stories live. Discover now