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"Peace!" Hope ran towards her pushing her back,making her fall to the ground.
"Bitch! Let me go!" Screamed Peace.
"No,Stay down." Screamed Hope.
Peace was having some trouble getting up,but once she did there was guards there. They walked over and grabbed Peace.

"I'll get you. And I'll have Taehyung to myself." Snarled Peace.
"Bitch." Mumbled Hope.
"Why are you here!?" Asked the doctor who entered the room.
"The hell,how did he get in here?!" Thought Hope.
"I needed to see Jae." Hope replied.
"Only for a few minutes. Your not even supposed to be in here." Replied the doctor.
Hope was shocked but accepted it and went to see Jae.

"Jae. Are you alright?" Asked Hope.
"H-Hope?" Mumbled Jae,her eyes closed.
"I'm here Jae." Replied Hope.
"Hope!" Yawned Jae. Sitting up.
"Peace almost killed you!" Explained Hope.
"Bitch." Sighed Jae rubbing her head. "Stupid headache."
"You should rest. I just needed to check on you." Said Hope standing up.
"Oka-" Jae said lying down but she fell asleep.
Hope stood up and walked out. She saw a girl crying on the bench.

"Are you alright?" Asked Hope.
"I-I'm Fine." She sniffed.
"Why are you crying?" Asked Hope.
"Just,something happened." She replied.
"Okay.." Mumbled Hope. "Im Hope."
"I-I'm Anni." She replied.
"Nice to meet you Anni,But I have to go. I'll see you another time." Said Hope standing up.
"Okay,bye." Sniffed Anni.
Hope felt bad for leaving Her but she had to go back. She entered the apartment and fell onto the couch and fell asleep.

~Next Day~

Karma woke Jimin up.
"Get up sleepy head!" She laughed. Jimin was cranky but he sat up and grabbed a pillow. Then he stood up and went to attack her. Karma was fast minded so she knew what he was going to do. She grabbed a pillow swiftly and hit him. Jimin hit her with the pillow. Soon Karma fell ti the floor.

"YAH!" She screamed. She got back up and ran. Jimin chased her but couldn't find her. He soon gave up and went to the kitchen.

"There's nothing to eat!" Sighed Karma. She realized Jimin and freaked out.

"It's okay, I won't attack you." Said Jimin.

Yoongi walked in. He was angry.

"You idiots woke me up." Yawned Yoongi.

"Sorry." They both said.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and sat down.

Namjoon walked out of his room and sat down beside him.

"What now?" He asked.

"Food." Replied Yoongi.

Jimin and Karma nodded.

"Where's that bag of food?" Asked Namjoon.

"We ate it all." Yoongi said.

Namjoon was annoyed then.

Jin walked out ready to go outside.

"Get ready slowpokes!" Ordered Jin.

They went and got ready, Apart from Hobi Tae Kookie and Hope.

Karma woke them up.

Once everyone was ready they went outside to find food. There was a little rundown shop. It had some sandwiches and stuff in it. Loads of people were there. They sat down and made an order.

"Who knew that you could still get food in the apocalypse." Chuckled Hope.

"Yeah." Said Yoongi.

They ordered and got their food. They were silent while eating. As they finished they realized a zombie.

"The hell!?" They all thought.

Karma ran outside and went to kill it. But it disappeared.

"W-What?!" She thought.

"Where'd it go?!" Asked Hope.

"I-I dont know.." Replied Karma.

"Well,Let's go see Jae. She's coming out of hospital today." Hope told Karma.

They all walked to the hospital. They entered through the doors to see Jae.

"Jae!" Squealed Karma and Hope running to hug her.

"Hey Guys!" Jae smiled.

Tae smiled at her and Jae blushed. Hope and Karma squealed.

The doctor soon came in

"So, There is something wrong with Jae,We dont know though, She will have to have some-" The doctor explained before screaming. There was a zombie sinking its teeth into her neck.

"RUN!" Yoongi Screamed.

They ran into a room and shut the door. Jimin and Hobi put the bed beside the door so zombies wouldn't get inside. For now at least.

"How the fuck did they get inside?!" Panicked Namjoon.

"Stupid people." Replied Hope.

There was a window. But it was two stories high. So they couldn't jump down. Jae was freaking out,She fell to the floor and fainted. Tae picked her up.

"She's sick." Said Tae.

"We know." Said Jin.

Yoongi pushed the bed and opened the door.

"Yoongi!" Shouted Hope.

Yoongi grabbed a zombie.

"Karma pass me your knife! Hope close the door!" Ordered Yoongi.

They did what they were told. Yoongi cut the zombie open and took out its guts.

"Put these on yourself,If you do that the zombies will think your one of them." Told Yoongi.

Some of them said "EW!" most of them agreed and did it.

Once they were done Yoongi gently opened the door. Tae had Jae but she was covered in guts too. They slowly walked out. As they got to the door someone screamed. They all ran. They saw people shooting. Hope saw Anni.

"ANNI!" Screamed Hope.

"HOPE RUN!" Screamed Anni shooting,tears coming out of her eyes.

Hope started crying.

"Cmon Hope." Said Yoongi. "Please."

Hope followed them,Crying. Hobi was crying too. He had liked her. He told them that he had met her the day they came. And they had got into a fight. That's why Anni was crying that day. And thats why Hobi's crying now. They ran to one of the cars. It was the car that had some space to sit down in. (I dont know the name lmao)

They all piled in and Yoongi got into the driving seat. Namjoon got beside him. They all sat down. Jae on the couch. As they started driving they ran over some zombies.

~2 Hours later~

"S-Stop the car" Said Kookie

"Why?" Asked Yoongi.

"Just stop it!" Cried Kookie

"Okay Okay!" Said Yoongi slowing down.

Kookie ran out of the car and sat beside a tree. He looked sick.

"You need to shoot me." Kookie said.

"WHAT?!" They all screamed.

Kookie was the person that had screamed. He was bit.

~The Zombie Apocalypse~ BTS ff.Where stories live. Discover now