Naming the Pup

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"So Buck, do you have a name for this little pup?" asked Steve Rogers, Bucky best friend and wing man as he's holding the little puppy, that seems to to be getting healthier by the day. "I'm not sure Steve, i've come up with Kelsey but it just doesn't seem to fit her." replied Bucky watching the little pup who by now, been staying with the the Barnes family for the past month and after being looked at by a local veterinarian is getting stronger, also her eyes finally opened up being undernourish delayed the process, but seeing her eyes open for the first Bucky couldn't help but fall more in love the the pup, who have yet to be named and is finding it difficult to come up with one that fits her.  "Well i'm sure you'll find one that will fit, how about Lucy or Pepper? no I don't think those fit her very well either." Steve said while letting the puppy chew on his finger while petting her back with the other. When Steve first saw Bucky new puppy he couldn't believe how fragile the poor thing was, in many ways he can relate and helped Bucky with getting the puppy health back were it should be, looking at the ball fluff you wouldn't even believe that almost less then a month ago she was just skin and bones. Steve held up the puppy to his face with the puppy beautiful blue and brown eyes focus on him Steve just saw what spirit that the little girl had in her, she was definitely a fighter and had a will to live, yea Steve can totally relate to the pup and couldn't but smile while playing with her.

" You know Steve, Pepper isn't a bad name for her with her markings coming in I can see were Pepper can come to play." Bucky said while also playing with puppy who the grab the end of his shirt and was trying to get a grip with her little teeth thats coming in.Bucky still couldn't believe how far his little girl have come, seeing her filling out and getting that puppy chubby, he couldn't help but feel proud that he helped such a little defenseless little creature come back to life. The puppy for the most part was all white but as she's getting older some markings are coming through but not fully to were you can tell what breed she is but one thing is for sure, she may become a big dog in the future. Bucky took the puppy from Steve trying really hard after a month of having her to come up with a name. Once the puppy was out of Steve grip and with Bucky she started licking his hand and nose like a crazy animal. Bucky and Steve both laugh seeing the action as cute, though neither one of them will say "cute" out loud. Bucky continue to look at her while saying "Come on Steve help me out here, as her second caregiver and my best friend it is your duty to come up with a great name." "Come on Buck, your the one that have girls lined up at your front door, and you're telling me you can't come up with a name, I would have thought it would come easy to you." laugh Steve who can't believe that his best friend is having trouble naming a female dog of all things. Smacking Steve on the back of his head Bucky couldn't help but feel like finding the name for his little girl is the most important decision in the world because its her identity. The puppy getting bored with both boys wonder around the Bucky living room looking for things to chew on to help with her gums that is really irritating her.

Walking pass the the living room, Rebecca saw that the little puppy was about to chew on her mother table quickly came and picked up the puppy and putting her on Bucky lap, " Hey what are you guys doing?"  "We are trying to come up with a name for the puppy." Replied Steve "Oh my god Bucky you still haven't named her yet, I thought this was resolve a while a go." said Rebecca as she sit next to her brother and Steve getting the puppy attention as she climb out of Bucky lap and onto Rebecca trying to now chew on her dress her mother made her a while ago for her birthday last year. Rebecca quickly scold the puppy and corrected her by giving her a dog toy to chew on instead. "I know Becca, but its hard look at her she can't be named just anything, its a hard and difficult decision, it have to be right and perfect." Bucky said with his face scrunch up in hard concentration. Steve then asked, "Becca do you have any ideas on what to name her?" "No way Steve we can't ask Becca to name her she might name her something crazy like Cupcake or something girly!." "Bucky! Stop being a jerk, I can to come up with a name and it won't be girly, you are such a boy! Steve how can you be friends with my stinky brother!" Rebecca said standing up and storming off passing her mother on the way to her room. Mrs. Barnes then turned to the boys who looked sheepish knowing that Bucky is about to get an earful. "James, you need to stop being mean to your sister and have her help with naming your dog who by the way need to step away from my table!" Mrs. Barns pointed to the puppy and Steve quickly grab the puppy away from Mrs. Barnes table.

Bucky scratch his had and said" Im sorry mom, I just don't want my dog to have a girly name like Cupcake that's all. I didn't mean to make it sound like I didn't value her opinion, sorry mom." Mrs. Barnes shook her head at her son and said "Just go to Rebecca, i'm sure three heads are better two boys trying to come up with a name for a dog. Dinner is almost ready so hurry along you two and don't come down until the three of you come up with a name." Turning around with a motherly knowing smile on her face as she listen to her son and best friend walk up the stairs to her daughter room. 

Knocking on Rebecca door the boys found her lying across her bed with a journal and a pencil up to her mouth. "Becca can we come in, i'm sorry for what I said I didn't really mean to come off as if I don't value your opinion. Do you forgive me, my favorite sister?" Bucky asked while putting the puppy on Rebecca bed. Rebecca sat up and stared at her brother and his friend and said" Bucky i'm your only sister, and yes I forgive you but I think I've come up with a name for your puppy." Both boys come over to Rebecca bed and looked at her journal that had a list of name for the puppy. Bucky took the journal much to Rebecca distress who tried to snatch back her journal and stood up while walking around her room deep in thought while looking at the name that Rebecca wrote down. "Wow Becca these name are awesome, how did you come up these name so quickly!" Bucky said while showing Steve the journal. Steve agreed the name choices were way better then what him and Bucky were coming up with. Rebecca asked for her journal back and Steve handed the girl back her journal. "It was easy really, believe it or not guys i'm smarter then the both of you." Laugh Rebecca, both boys groan and smack there head on various items found in her room. Steve looked from Rebecca to Bucky and said "Well Buck, pick a name all of them are pretty good." Bucky picked up Rebecca journal, this time with Rebecca permission, then picked up his little girl and study the journal with the names. Once more looking at the puppy who stared back at him and licked his nose and chin Bucky smiled and turned to his best friend and sister and finally named his puppy "Ramona, her name is Ramona."

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