A Girl's Night Out

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Finally making their way to a local Dance and Dine, Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Rogers along with their dates Wade and his co-worker Henry found their table that Wade have reserved for them and order a few drinks while waiting for everyone else to arrive. "So that son of yours James is really something else." said Wade who was still a little shaken by the ordeal that happen at the Barnes household. Henry laugh a little throwing his arm around Mrs. Rogers chair while taking a drink said "Yea, I really thought that dog was going to show us the business." "Please, I was ready for that mongrel to take a step forward, I would've showed her who really is boss." Wade said with the same discuss undertone in his voice, taking a sharp drink of his alcohol of choice. Mrs. Barnes not taking a liking with how this conversation was going, tried to change the topic at hand. "Well guys tell us about yourselves and your friends that we are meeting." "Yes it would be lovely to hear how you all became so close." Mrs. Rogers implied helping her friend out. "Oh well, just the same, we got along at work and found out we all have a lot in common so we just started hanging out and it's been all of us every since." Henry answered, with a flirtatious smile to Mrs. Rogers. "How about you dolls, how did you lovely dames become friends?" Wade asked the ladies, feeling the liquid courage kicking in and leaning a little to close for Mrs. Barnes comfort. "Well Mrs. Rogers and I were friends back in grade school, then our late husbands will take us dancing and of course our boys are very close so it was only natural for us, we are more like sisters then friends to be honest." Smiling at Mrs. Rogers who in turn smiled back giving Mrs. Barnes a side hug.

Wade and Henry could honestly careless with how the two ladies met, but just decided to humor them for conversation sake. "That's sweet, childhood friends are hard to keep for so long you two are lucky." said Henry taking a sip of his drink. "Yea very lucky, I don't even remember my friends names that I went to school with most are either dead or chained up with wives, no offense ladies." Wade letting out a bellowed laugh. Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Rogers look to one another with a secret message between the two: "This was a mistake!" not wanting to be rude, the ladies agreed between themselves silently that they will try to make it through the night. "Hey Wade!, Henry! We're here!" Shouted a Man who came in with three other people. Making their way to the table everyone introduced themselves. "Hello ladies you must be Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Rogers." said Chris who shouted the greeting. "Let me introduce you dames to Lilly, Grace and Mike. Chris point to each said person, everyone said "Hi" to one another and each order drinks and food making idle chat while waiting. On their second drinks both Wade and Henry decided to tell the rest of their group about what happened at the Barnes house.

"Yea man no joke the dog gave Wade and I the meanest, nastiest look i've ever seen. I couldn't believe that thing could be so scary looking." Henry demonstrated how Ramona looked at him and Wade with dramatic effects. "Please! like I said before, I would've showed that mutt who was boss before it even touch me! that ugly mutt need to be put down just for it's look alone!" Wade once again, feeling like his honor was being disrespected, taking a huge gulp of his drink ordering more to help heal his imaginary wound. Mrs. Barnes was starting to feel really upset hearing how both Wade and Henry was talking about her son dog. Placing a comfort hand on Mrs. Barnes shoulder, Mrs. Rogers tried to interject "She wasn't really going to hurt anyone, James was making sure that his mother and I would return home safely and of course making sure nothing happen to us, you know typical overprotective sons antics." Laughing softly while Mrs. Barnes gave her friend an appreciative smile in return. " Oh Bull! that mutt was nasty! you ladies seen what she did, and Mrs. Barnes you should be ashamed with how your son trained that mutt! That's why I always like purebreds NEVER had a problem! you want to know why, because I showed them who boss! plus prestige bloodlines will made sure that you will receive the best trait possible." Wade throwing his arms around making a scene. His friends and co-workers laughing at his antic and dramatic show shouting agreements. "Here! Here!" Clanking glasses together and taking a sip. 

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