Together Again

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Ramona looked like she was on death door, but finding her Bucky was what kept her alive, her determination and will kept her moving and following Bucky scent. Ramona always felt like she was a day behind him, she would eat the scraps that the unit will leave behind and the occasional food Bucky will leave. Ramona was skin and bones, but when ever Bucky scent was strong she kept moving hoping to find him and be with him again, she would lay in the very spot he did, where his scent was the strongest, Ramona had to fight other animals that came at her, Ramona was having her own war while away from her Bucky, but she was going to make it back to him even if it kill her. When Ramona spotted the unit, she tried to make it to them as fast as she could, but she was weak and couldn't run fast enough, she then heard yelling from her Bucky! and thought something was wrong. She made her way hoping to save Bucky from danger, when trucking down the hill towards something that was blocking her from Bucky, she notice everything went quiet. Ramona started listening and smelling, hoping that she wasn't to late, she continue her way not minding the people that was blocking her way to her destination, then she heard the very voice that she missed what felt like forever! "Ramona!" Bucky shouted.

Ramona lifted her head looking towards Bucky, who was running to her. Ramona wagged her crooked tail and started staggering to Bucky trying to make her way to him as quickly as she can but was failing. She kept her eyes on him as they were getting closer to each other, Ramona was breathing hard feeling tired but wasn't going to quiet on making it to her Bucky. Bucky finally made his way to her and she collapsed in his arms whining and licking at every spot she can reach. Bucky tighten his grip on her hugging her neck and back crying in her fur and laughing at the same time.

Bucky couldn't believe that Ramona was in his arms, he could feel how skinny she was and was scared when she collapse in his arms, but feeling joy when she began licking him everywhere. Bucky squeezed tight, he couldn't be any closer to Ramona, it's been weeks since he last saw her, he truly thought he would never see her again, but Steve believed and that's what kept Bucky believing also. Bucky pulled back grabbing Ramona face in his hands, looking at her in her mix-match eyes shaking his head slowly, "I thought I would never see you again girl." Bucky stated with tears coming down his face. Ramona just stared back giving him a lick on his nose, then smiling with her tongue hanging to the side. Bucky laugh at her antic, 'she was still Ramona, goofy as ever.' Bucky thought before pulling Ramona back to his chest. "Sgt. Barnes if you may, can you please return to base we need to secure the area." asked the guard. Bucky nod his head, "Yes sir, sorry sir." Bucky said. He began picking up Ramona, who was skin and bones but still had weight because of her massive size. Ramona was limp, and didn't try to move, Bucky was worried that something was wrong, his mind going in to overdrive, When they reach inside the base Bucky notice that everyone went their own way beside Steve and Peggy and some of the 107th that was happy to see their dog again. Everyone made their way, petting Ramona and giving her love, Ramona just wagged her tail as much as she could licking hands that came close to her. Steve even gave her extra love happy to see the dog that meant the world to him. At first Ramona didn't know who Steve was, until his scent hit her nose then she was ok with him giving her pets. Peggy didn't pet Ramona, it was military protocol to not pet military dogs due to the danger of the dogs training.

Bucky made his way to a medical tent laying Ramona down not leaving her side. The doctor that was looking over Ramona said she need food and water and of course rest then she will be good as new. Bucky was happy that nothing was wrong with her, he would make sure she will get all the goodies that she deserve, this amazing dog made it through enemies camps and who know what else to come back to him. "I can't believe that she made it all the way here Steve. This dog is amazing, I always knew she was amazing but never this good." Bucky said to Steve as they waited on the side while the doctor was giving Ramona an IV, Ramona was sleeping, she was weak and couldn't stay awake, Bucky was hoping the IV would help. Steve nod his head with a huge smile, "I told you Buck, she would always find her way to you." Steve pulled Bucky in a hug, both was overjoyed, their trio was truly back together again. It felt like they were back at home, in Brooklyn, and was trying to make it through life. When they pulled away giving each other a pat on the back, they turned back to the doctor who took the IV out of Ramona. "Ok Sgt. Barnes NCO Ramona is ready for rest, now remember only small portions of food at a time and small laps of water, she's very weak but she will make a full recovery." Bucky nod, "Thank You doctor, for everything." Bucky said picking up Ramona waking her up, she then leaned up licking Bucky everywhere with new strength thanks to the IV.  Bucky smiled at her, the trio made their way to their tent putting Ramona on top of Bucky's bed. "Well I need to go, I have to let everyone know about the rest of the Hydra base that was in Zola office when I found you." Steve said making his way to the briefing. "No problem pal, we still on for the bar tonight?" Bucky asked getting his things ready for a shower. "Yes, i'll meet you all there. Bye girl i'll see you later too." Steve said giving Ramona a kiss on the nose. Ramona wasn't use to this new Steve, she didn't understand what happened to the short man and why was he so big now.

Bucky sat with Ramona putting her head in his lap, she looked better after getting the IV, more alive, Bucky hugged Ramona tight and close once again, feeling tears build in his eyes but this time it's from happiness. "How did you do it girl? How did you find me?" Bucky asked, Ramona just whined and gave Bucky kisses, she didn't mind chocking to death by her Bucky love, it would be a great death. Bucky pulled away grabbing Ramona head giving her a kiss between her eyes, " You amaze me girl, I thought I truly lost you, don't ever scare me again." Bucky said with a laugh. He couldn't began to express how happy he was to have his little girl with him again, he felt whole, that missing piece was right here with him again, the gap closed and was mended by this dog that was back in his life, "Come on girl, let's get cleaned we both smell like funk and we need to clean up and look nice for the bar tonight." Bucky said getting up and picking up Ramona, who was fussing about getting a bath, she didn't think she smelt bad at all.

Both was clean, much to Ramona distaste, and Bucky relief, and went back to Bucky and Steve tent to get ready for tonight. Bucky brushed Ramona fur, glad to see her beautiful markings again that he missed so much, once he was done with that he made her food base off of the doctors measurements, "Ok girl here you go, take it easy don't rush." Bucky said putting down Ramona food. Ramona smelt the food before eating it slowly, loving the taste and savoring every bite. Bucky watched her eat as he was getting ready, it was still unbelievable that she was here with him, it felt like she never left as they went back to their regular routine before they were separated. Bucky smiled as he put on the finishing touches, not caring how he looked really, just glad to get a few drinks in and unwind after trucking through the woods for the past few weeks. He waited patiently for Ramona to finish eating, he sat beside her as she ate listening to her smack on the kibble and Medicine mixture. When Ramona was done with her meal she drank some of her water, before making her way to Bucky again laying on his lap and just wanting love, Bucky of course granted her that without question. They enjoyed their quiet moment together enjoying each other company, Bucky wasn't a religious man, but at that moment he thanked what ever being that was up above for bring Ramona back to him. 

A/N: Yes they are back together again! I wasn't sure how I wanted to reunite them but i'm happy with this. Thank you all for your very kind words and encouragements, When I made this story I didn't think anyone would read this let alone like it :D so thank you everyone <3

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