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It's been officially six months since Bucky and Ramona been at war. During that time both have gotten the hang of what they were doing, the 107th have become a family and worked like a well oiled machine. Bucky was now leading the unit by himself for the most part, the 107th was making history at being one of the most efficient unit in the Army. When ever their superior sent them out to clear enemies bases they took care of it with ease, their secret weapon was good at what she did. Ramona was a great solider, when ever Bucky asked her to scout she did it flawlessly finding enemy in trees, underneath trenches, where ever she smelled them she found them. Ramona was fearless, whenever the unit was walking in the forest Ramona was out front, her having better hearing and smell then any human, the unit had to put complete trust in Ramona, it was easy to do. Bucky had complete trust in his little girl, he knew Ramona was a capable dog, she was always a survivor and had great instincts, their record showed just how much Ramona was the epiphany of a war dog.

Theres been whispers among the troops about a small group that's calling themselves 'Hydra' no one know the truth about the group, some say it's just a group of misfits, some say it's AWOL groups that's trying to run from Military Officers, but no one was completely sure what this group was about, at least that's what was being told to them. Bucky didn't bother with the rumors, he was just focusing on what was in front of him and his unit. Right now, they made it to home base, his unit was given two days off from the battlefield, most of his unit was hurt due to some of their enemies having weapons that no one seen before. The damage that those weapon cause is very server, the men that survive say it's like getting shoot by a hot rod, no were near the same pain as a bullet. Bucky didn't know what to think about the strange weapons that the Germans was using, the one thing that did struck Bucky mind as off when it came to the enemies was their emblem, it wasn't Hitler emblem, but the emblem looked like a squid, Bucky wasn't sure, never before seeing such an emblem. Bucky wasn't sure if they were this 'Hydra' group that everyone been talking about or not.

Bucky closed his eyes trying not to think to hard for the next 48hrs. For the past six months that's all he's been doing, thinking of strategies to not get him and his unit killed. Bucky felt the pressure of having lives in his hands everyday, in a sick way Bucky enjoyed the pressure of knowing he was in charge of keeping his unit as sharp as they can be. His unit was setting the bar for others to follow and that bar was very high, he even learned that his little girl was being use as an example piece to train new recruits. Ramona was a well rounded dog, she can do almost any job that was given to her, the Military saw that and ask Bucky if they can use Ramona in some training videos. Bucky of course agreed to it, wanting the world to know how great his little girl really was. What Bucky didn't know, Ramona was also being used as a propaganda source to encourage people to bring their animals to the military. When Mrs. Barnes found out she made sure to get a lawyer, making sure when James and Ramona came back home the money from her advertising will go to an account. When Bucky received his mother letter telling him what she saw and what she did, he was grateful for having such an awesome mother, he was very angry at the use of Ramona being a part of the war propaganda, but thanks to his mother they'll be paid for them, Bucky told his mother to use the money for herself and Rebecca college education and to not worry about him. Of course he knew his mother wouldn't listen.

Bucky got off his bed, heading out to get something to eat. He looked to Ramona noticing her sleeping and decided to leave her to rest, Ramona paws were raw from the rocky terrain, Bucky had to put cream on them and wrap them from time to time trying to keep her healthy as much as he could in the field. Being at home base everyone stocked up on supplies. Ramona heard Bucky leaving, she shoot up trying to follow but Bucky tied her up to a post, she whined not liking being left alone. Bucky made his way to the food station, he put his food on his plate then started making his way back to his bunk. When he was walking he heard a voice he was hoping to once again never hear. "Well, Well, Well, look at the boyo, still alive huh pretty boy." Smith said with his ugly gauge voice swaging over towards Bucky with his big beast Butch. Bucky turned around with a stern face. Bucky notice Smith wasn't in the best shape, the man had a few scars on his face with blood splotches on an old dirty shirt that he decided to wear, why, Bucky didn't know. Bucky tried to turn around ignoring Smith but was grab by the shoulder, once again facing Smith.

Bucky heard Butch growl, but he didn't care Bucky was mainly focus on the large man in front of him. "What are you doing here Smith?" Bucky ask still holding his tray looking Smith in his eye. Smith sneered at Bucky. "I'm here because I want to be boyo, were is your little lab rat, i'm surprise she's not with you." Smith said never taking his eyes off of Bucky but slowly removing Butch leash from around his neck. Bucky didn't let the action go unnoticed, being in the battlefield taught Bucky to always be aware of your enemy. Smith action made Bucky nervous, Butch was a huge dog and will do damage when Smith gave the word. "Look, this doesn't have to get ugly, why are you doing this? What do you want from me?" Bucky asked not backing down but grabbing the spork on his tray ready for what ever was about to happen. Smith just smiled with his ugly off white teeth showing, "Oh boyo, I just don't like you or your lab rat, now you're walking around here with your pathetic unit thinking you're all that, news flash pretty boy you're not, once i'm done with you, no one will have anything to say about you anymore." Smith said about to completely take Butch leash off before hearing a growl from a pissed off Ramona. 

Bucky saw Ramona behind him with her leash still attach, Ramona was mad, Bucky only ever saw her with that look when faced with the Germans, Bucky then turned to Smith, "Listen Smith, just leave, this is dumb, you have no reason to even hate me, w...

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Bucky saw Ramona behind him with her leash still attach, Ramona was mad, Bucky only ever saw her with that look when faced with the Germans, Bucky then turned to Smith, "Listen Smith, just leave, this is dumb, you have no reason to even hate me, we are part of a team Smith, We work for the same side." Bucky said trying to reason with Smith. Smith just smiled then said in a dark tone, "Do we boyo, do we really fight for the same side. Hail Hydra." Butch was then charging towards Bucky in full aggression, Ramona jumped in front of Bucky fighting the monster of the dog with everything she got. Bucky was stun at what he heard come out of Smith mouth, he couldn't be stun for long, Bucky on instinct ran to Butch and Ramona trying to get the monster dog off of her, Bucky was tackled by Smith in mid run and both skid across the field. Smith found himself on top of Bucky punching him for all he's worth, Bucky been ready for this fight since he saw the man in line that day. It was a full blown fight for survival Bucky knew that, Hydra was real and right now the face of Hydra was Smith, Bucky put all his training to action, Smith was a big guy, but big guys fall hard, Bucky didn't just have military fighting experience but he also had street fighting in his ace and right now he was using all the tricks. Smith was having a hard time beating Bucky, he wasn't expecting for him to be able to fight, he just thought he was a pretty face when he first seen him in line, an easy target to help him get in with the higher ups at Hydra. This was a mistake, and Smith was finding out the hard way with getting his punk, ass kicked.

Bucky quickly gained the upper hand, putting Smith in a headlock chocking him out so he will be alive for interrogation and information regarding Hydra, when Bucky felt Smith go limp he quickly let go of him making his way to Ramona and Butch. Bucky saw Butch gaining the upper hand, Ramona was quick and agile but she was no where near as strong, Butch used more of his weight then skill, the dog wasn't trained at all to us anything but, Bucky saw Ramona head in Butch mouth and feared the worst. Bucky quickly stab Butch in his heart in pure fury with a war cry, Butch let out a cry before falling dead, Bucky didn't care, he would kill a hundred men when it came to Ramona. Bucky rushed to Ramona who wasn't moving but breathing, she had a bad cut on her chest and on near her eye, but nothing serious, at least to Bucky eyes. "Ramona, come on girl, wake up please," Bucky said with tears coming down his face picking up Ramona limp body holding it close to him, Bucky put his face in her fur trying not to hurt her more then what she already was, "Please girl wake up, it's ok, it'll be ok." Bucky continue to cry, the only thing that reassured him that she was ok was her breathing, Bucky was in a panic and still had adrenaline  pumping in his vain. Ramona let out a whine before licking Bucky under his chin, telling him 'I'm ok, i'm ok' Bucky let out a cry of joy feeling her tongue on him, Bucky never thought that feeling would be the best feeling in the world at that moment. Bucky hug Ramona closer to him rocking them both back and forward happy that his little girl was ok.

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