Buckys Breakdown

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The 107th, Steve, and Bucky was steadily making their way across country to Italy. During that time Bucky was continuing looking for Ramona but not finding a single sign of his little girl. If Bucky was being truthful with himself, he was starting to lose hope on ever finding her. He was emotionally drain from the stress that this war was putting on him. Each week that pass, his hope of ever finding Ramona was diminishing, but Steve was keeping hope, he helped with keeping the hope of finding her burning. When Bucky found Ramona harness where they got capture he hugged it close to him, he pulled out her dog tag and put it with his own around his neck. That evening, the whole 107th spend the whole night looking for Ramona, hoping to find her, hoping she wasn't far and stayed close. Bucky and Steve stayed looking the longest not wanting to give up, Jacques was great at tracking so he stayed Bucky and Steve, Gabe had to join to help bridge the language barrier but still the men wasn't having luck, the dog was a ghost.

Bucky walked back to their temporary base feeling defeated. He just knew they would find her, there was 200plus of them looking for her how could they not find one dog! she wasn't hard to find, her markings was distinctive, she didn't really blend well in the forest surrounding so how is it that 200 men couldn't find one dog!. Bucky felt his emotion go over board he couldn't hold it in anymore. "I'll be back Steve, I need to be alone." Bucky said walking away before his friend can respond. Steve just watch Bucky leave, he knew his friend needed some time alone but still kept a close eye on him, the unit was close to making it to Italy, they may have a few more days left if they keep covering the great distance that they're making. Steve sigh, feeling like finding Ramona was what was pushing Bucky to keep going. With the days drawing near and time is wasting away, Steve knew the fight in Bucky was slowly dieing, each passing day of not finding her. Steve himself was worried, the whole unit was worried, there was a lot of enemies around, maybe she came across them and got caught, maybe wild animals got a hold of her, no one knows for sure, the last hope anyone had was, maybe she did find her way to Italy and was just waiting. That was a long shot, but still a shot none the less. Steve looked at his friend one last time before turning around joining the 107th around the fire.

Bucky let himself cry once more, this was becoming to much for him. The war, Hydra, Ramona missing, his friend is no longer a small weak man but a super solider, leading his unit trying to keep them alive, John cruel death along with Red, everything was just crashing down on Bucky at once and he final had his break down in the middle of a forest. He just curled around himself and cried. He couldn't yell, he didn't want to attract attention to his unit and get attack. He just sob quietly. He wanted to go home, he wanted to go back in time and never signed up, he wanted his little girl back safe and sound while annoying his mother when she follow her around in the kitchen, Bucky missed his annoying little sister, Bucky wanted all that back and away from this nightmare that he was living everyday. Bucky knew he was just in a weird emotional state, and he would get over it, but right now he was allowing himself this one time to feel sorry for himself. When the tears stopped flowing Bucky continue to just look out in the forest, and just listen. He was hearing his men laugh and make jokes, talking about the ladies that some have left behind or some that they miss warming their beds, they were talking about what they are going to do after the war....after they punch out the president that allowed America to join this war. Bucky always knew his men were idiots, but they help when he's feeling down, with Steve here it's a plus, he was grateful his best buddy was with him, he was his strength in all this, Bucky always felt like he gets a second wind when Steve and his unit are fighting the stray enemies that are around. The journey to Italy gave everyone a change to bond, swapping war stories and just joking around. Bucky was ready to just sleep and relax at home base, these rocks are terrible. Bucky let out a sigh, walking back to his unit and Steve joining the conversation.

"So Steve any little lady waiting on you when you get home?" Dum Dum asked looking at the super solider, with a chestier cat smile. Steve shook his head 'No' but thinking about Peggy, "No, no girl for me." Steve said, Bucky smiled "Yea I tried to help him with girls all the time but my buddy here was to shy." "Shy! him no way! look at him how can a guy like him be shy around dames?" Dum Dum asked shook at hearing that Steve was shy. Both Bucky and Steve laugh "Well I wasn't always like this Dum Dum, believe it or not I was a scrawny man, then this happened and here I am." Steve said gesturing to himself. Dum Dum just couldn't wrap his head around what Steve was telling him instead he just shook his head, "Whatever man, the way you are now you can get any girl you want." Dum Dum said with a laugh being joined with the rest of the unit. "I would just be happy with one." Steve said once again. Bucky couldn't help but feel at home at that moment remembering Steve said the same thing to him on his last night. "Well buddy, maybe you will get that girl." Bucky said with his arm around Steve shoulder, "After you get over your shyness." Bucky said laughing at Steve red face. Steve shoved Bucky off of him joining in the laughing. The jokes and the conversations continue through the night, each man giving themselves a little freedom and escape from the world that's around them. The 107th was a brotherhood, they know more about each other then their families now about them, that's the secret of strong teamwork, knowing your men knowing what their good at, then executing plan of attack, strategies on the enemies and winning. Bucky was very proud of having these men, knowing that these men had his back and him having theirs, adding Steve to the mix, this unit couldn't lose. The 107th was a force to be wreck'n with, Bucky felt sorry for the next base that the 107th will be assign to take out next, what would really make this the unit truly complete is having Ramona with them.

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