Fighting in Hell

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Austria was hell, fighting in Austria was a living hell. Italy wasn't close to what Bucky is having to deal with in Austria. It was cold, mudding, bloody, the smell of death was everywhere, this was war, the war that no one was prepared for, no matter how much training a person go through, no one can prepare a man for this. Bucky never seen so many deaths in his life, half of his men was gone, some dead, some capture, some of Bucky best buddies were no longer with him. His unit was in trouble and nobody was prepared. Trying to take down the Austria Hydra base wasn't easy, their weapons was something from science-fiction, it was something he read from his tech. magazines, it was like Bucky and his unit was severely under weaponized, and behind the times. Where did Hydra get these kind of weapons, how did they get them, how did Hydra get so dangerous that even Hitler wasn't prepared? These thoughts were what was going through Bucky mind as he and his unit was in their trenches. It was quiet, Bucky didn't know what time it was, but it was quiet, and right now Bucky was enjoying the silence of the battle field.

Bucky was curled up around Ramona for warmth, and for comfort, with his head resting on her back, Bucky couldn't understand what was going through her mind. Ramona always seem like she was on guard even when she's resting never completely sleeping. Right now she was sitting near him with one of her front legs between his legs as if ready to let him know when to get ready for another round. She was straight as an arrow and alert moving her head ever so often with her mix-match eyes and ears watching and listening for any movement, her crooked tail was stiff never wagging as much these days, she was always alert. Bucky couldn't help but to feel guilty having her here with him, but the selfish part of him loved that he wasn't alone and that she was here with him. Bucky snuggled more into her fur trying to get some rest while he can. His unit was also resting, trusting Ramona and her skills, she helped his unit get out of ambush situation so many times everyone lost count. One of the enemy bullet grazed her one straight ear now she have a nick on that ear, a battle wound, Bucky was in such rage he killed that man point blink range. Her wounds from Butch attack healed up nicely leaving small scars, but at this point everyone here is getting scars, mentally, physically some emotionally. The only ones that is taking up guard while everyone is resting is Dum Dum, Gabe, and Jacques. The three were the only idiots crazy enough and fearless enough to want to take out someone who dared to get close. Bucky had to laugh thinking about his units full of idiots.

Bucky was also really worried, he haven't seen John or Red, he really hope the duo was ok he still had hopes on seeing them, somewhere and both will be alive. Bucky pulled out the drawing that Steve drew of Ramona out his pocket wondering what his friend was doing, was he still trying to enlist, was he the one making all these great art for the planes, was he with his mother and sister? Bucky was happy Steve wasn't here experiencing all this horror, his little friend wouldn't survive this, he's to small, his health was weak, Bucky knew his friend had a huge heart and even bigger bravery, but this would be to much for him to handle. When ever Bucky look at the picture it remind him of home, when things was just...normal, what ever that meant to Bucky now and days. Bucky put the picture back in his pocket to protect it, Bucky then notice Ramona had her eyes close but still stiff as a board, Bucky knew she wasn't truly just resting, she truly was just resting her eyes. Bucky pet Ramona on her head, giving her a scratch in her favorite spot, her tail moved a little, then she leaned her head in his hand with her eyes still closed. Bucky smiled seeing his little girl could never give up the reaction even in these times, Ramona was still a goofball. After Bucky petted her, Ramona went back to being on guard, watching and listening for danger.

Ramona became the backbone that the 107th needed, the unit loved the big dog with the strange markings, she saved their lives, fought along side them, went in front of the unit taking down the enemies that dared to ambush them when they're faced in an opposite, the dog was brave and had heart, she was a true solider, their Sgt. Barnes pet turned war dog was truly their secret weapon when it came to taking down these asshole that call themselves, 'Hydra'. The unit wouldn't know what to do without the extra eyes and ears that can hear, see, and smell better then all of them combined. Sgt. Barnes was a great leader, he was stern, fair, smart to boot, a great shooter, and strategic, with all his talent mix with Ramona they were a great team, they are what made the 107th a force to be recon with.

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