▪ Sept ▪

105 4 1

20XX, mardi, cinq, quatorze heures à trente.

Edd's POV

Sitting there idly, all the thoughts of today swirled through my head. Had I just achieved something I never thought I could? Talking to people and possibly making friends... it all seemed so weird to me. It'd been months since I had that much fun talking to someone in person in my year (a good friend of mine called Miguel was in the year above me) and the feeling felt so surreal. Matt was always a good person, especially when Ell was still around being a right bitch. Damn, I miss those times when I would have fun talking to the others.

Quickly, that lesson passed. Nothing interest, per usual. I don't enjoy Geography that much, but it wasn't the most drab lesson in the world. Packing up my book and pencil case, I stood quietly behind my desk and waited for the bell to signal our dismissal. It rung loudly and echoed for a while, and then Mrs Boys told us we could go out. People filed out the room and were ecstatic that they could escape Monday at highschool. I was unbothered as usual, but I left with a different feeling. Talking to people was amazing.

Due to me being a huge loser, I had a club after school that didn't involve sports. Not many people went to it but that was just the extra charm. It was a quiet club run by the history teacher: Mr Cook. He was chill and young, so he set up a Warhammer Club. I wasn't one to buy and paint figures but I really enjoyed the lore and drawing my friends' models. Yes, I do have friends in the least, just not in any of my classes 'cause they're in the year above me. Nevertheless, this club is probably one of the best things of the week.

"Hey there, Edward! How're you doing today?" Mr Cook gleefully said while focusing on painting at the same time.
"Oh, I'm fine, sir. I managed to make friends today which was fun though." I glanced at him then went back to sketching something in my sketchbook. Unexpectedly, a tall boy with a sandy mop haircut whipped his head round towards me, his hair flinging up and down softly. His glare pierced through me and I quietly chuckled at his stupid actions. "In my year, Yuu. You're just the coolest." He smirked in a way he was doubting me, but just went back to sticking his model together. After all, isn't that just what he does all the time? I've never seen Yuu not doing stuff related to Warhammer; then again, I only ever see him in this club.

My green eyes met the clock and it showed 4pm. The club ends at 5pm but I didn't wanna get home too late so I packed up my things, waved goodbye to everyone and skedaddled out of the room. Practically slipping down the stairs, I caught someone out the corner of my eye: Tord. I had no clue he stayed after school, but he did anyway and I sincerely hoped he wasn't going to head home too at the same time.

"Ah! Edd, what a pleasant suprise." Tord smiled at me and put his hand out to shake it. Me, being polite as possible, shook it and spat, "Pleasure to see you too at this hour. How come you're staying after school today?"
"I had a detention, and then waited out for a bit to actually finish the homework I didn't do."
"I'm glad to see you're finally trying hard at school!"
"Yeah, it's weird but I think it'll be better in the long run, especially if I'm gonna even have a shot at having my dream job."
That answer confused me greatly, as Tord was out of character. He could be high? I know his cousin does drugs. Surely, he was joking or not thinking right right now.
"Helloooo?? Edd Gold??? I was clearly joking, get it through your thick skull." There's the Tord I know. "Just... He paused for a second, "Bye then."

He waltzed out gracefully and I just followed in an uncomfortable walk. Looking directly infront of me, the horned man turned to face me and walked backwards.

"Hey, we live on the same street, right? Why not walk home with me?"

//Words: 729

an: be prepared i have 3 chapters already ready to upload so i wont be missing any weeks out (the update schedule hasn't changed, every sunday every week :D)

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