▪ Trois ▪

177 10 1

20XX, mardi, cinq, dix heures à treize.

•Edd's POV•

Sunlight shone bright through the small gaps in the clouds and you could notice people were already taking off their blazers or not bringing in coats. Spring was in our grasp already so pollen floated around. Little particles of it caused the poor people with hay-fever to slowly die inside and out, but alas, it wasn't preventable much. The very few trees that stood outside were blossoming with tiny apples that were usually used for throwing at people, but for now (before a war started out with them) it looked pretty nice. Strangely enough, not one bird was seen in the sky above us; all of them were on the ground, oddly. People had probably chucked food on the ground so it attracted the winged-creatures to go and eat the morsels they could grab. Despite all this, a chilly wind still bit at my fingertips and I soon realised I definitely was not used to being outside much.

I walked to a bench and sat down thoughtfully. Longingly, I stared at Tom in sadness at how foolish Ell was to fall for him. He was an amazing person, but I just couldn't make him get with someone like Ell. I was happy-sad, but he caught me staring. He smiled at me awkwardly, and I felt a blush creep across my face.
I grinned back at him and then instantly swatted my face away. I don't like him. I don't like him. I don't like him. Was I drunk now? We haven't spoke ever since Ell left this school. I guess he's still probably the only guy I'd go out with but still...

I felt like a sinner. A god-awful sinner. I stayed sat down and checked the time: 10 minutes to go. I mentally punched myself and dragged on my depressing thought process. My eyes were closed and my fist rested on my leg, while my chin was on top of that. The black-eyed boy who I stared at was strolling over to me.

What confidence.

Gah! My brain is fried. I hate this so much. Liking this guy is one of the things that made me hate myself so much. I pretending to look like a normal human; it didn't work.

"Hey, uh, is it Edward?" Tom greeted.
"Yeah, I prefer Edd though. What brings you to me?" I replied nervously.
"You were staring at me, for some reason. Is something bothering you? Is it my eyes?" He put emphasis on the word eyes, like it was some taboo. I knew he got picked on for it. "Nono! I just thought you seemed pretty cool. Your eyes are unique, y'know?"
"Aww, thanks. Sorry I got all defensive," He chuckled, "It's alright. I'm Tom, by the way! I guess I'll be seeing you in art." And, off he went back.

I was in awe at what happened. I may have made a semi-friend with someone! Joyfully, I grinned to myself and whisked myself off to my art room. Even if I was a tad bit early, my soul was on fire and my spirit was lifted. Finally, I could have some company in my classes and stuff. I felt so happy for once in my entire damn life... I know he wouldn't pull a trick on me, like Tord did, since he's not a complete asshat. Oh, how wonderful things could be. Possibly, just possibly, I could have real friends. It'd be awesome, alright?!

The doors to the classroom opened, and voila, I was excited. "Good morning, Mrs Hilda!" We chanted in chorus.

Today, looks like a good day.

//Words: 615.

A/N: Sorry about being so late. I was lazy and tired. I also came out as whatever I did to my friend for the first time so stress.

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