▪ Huit ▪

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20XX, mardi, cinq, seize heures à dix.

•Tord's POV•

Just to help Edd get home, I offered to hitch a walk with him. It's always better than going home alone and being bored. The worst outcome is looking like an emo with some trashy rock song playing on full volume in my ears. Sure, my hair wasn't black but I sure as hell did look edgy from time to time. The black trench coat I wore sometimes didn't help the look at all.

"No? Why would you ever think of asking that, jerk?" Edd huffed and rolled his eyes.
"Jeez, dude, I was trying to be polite. You seem kinda... lonely." I swept some hair out my hair and tried my hardest not to trip over.
"Ugh, fine. Not like I'm waiting for anyone else here." He stuck his tongue out at me but I just turned back round to face forward and went next to him.

Awfully, we were kinda silent. I could tell he was kinda uncomfortable around me, but I hadn't done anything too bad. It's like I've tormented him all my life, but I've only started at the beginning of February! I left him all alone for the first month and the things I do are quite light compared to what I did to Ell. I gave him a new chance after changing, so I don't know why he can't return that too.

"Hey Edd, why are you always so cold to me?" I sighed, breaking the silence.
"Hm, I dunno. Maybe it's the fact that you're absolutely horrible to me for no reason?" Edd didn't look up from his phone at all.
"Damn, better up my game and make sure you really hate me."
"Yeah, go ahead. I actually don't know how you can achieve that at all!" Edd laughed painstakingly. The laugh chilled me, oddly, but I kept strutting along.

Like an idiot, I realised I went past my house when Edd started walking into his. He turned back at me and did the peace sign, so I waved back and instantly shoved my hands in my pockets. I seemed salty, but he did too so we were even. Trotting back home, I remembered looking at Edd's phone and seeing he had a Twitter account. Curiosity filled me, and I was desperate to see what he'd tweet about. He was one weird blank slate who liked to draw and maybe some 'tea' (as they say) would pop up on there.

I plonked myself on my bed and took off my school uniform, leaving me in my boxer shorts. I honestly didn't care that much about it. The added, what, 5 minutes to my walk did not matter at all. The only thing that did was getting my homework out the way so I didn't end up getting another detention and then another week's worth of being grounded by my parents. That's the worst part: being totally unmotivated, not knowing what to do 'cause I can't be assed listening in class, none of my 'friends' doing it either and knowing you're just gonna get your freedom taken off of you in the end. I checked my homework diary, and saw my lastest deadline was in a week today, so I'd be fine for now. Whipping out my phone, I frantically remembered Edd's Twitter username. I didn't have an account on there, but I still wanted to check it out nonetheless.

After a while, I finally found it. No one else could be 15, named Edd Gold and...

a trans male?

My heary instantly sank and my eyes grew wide. I remembered Ell and how much I bullied her; it all made sense now! I had many temptations to tell someone, but I'm not that much of an asshole to out someone to the whole school. Laid back on my bed, my whole mind was corrupted with troubled thoughts of what I just found out. Frankly, the path was clearer now on why Edd hated me so much. However, I couldn't shake the fact that me, his worst tormentor, wad the one with his biggest secret. I mean, if he didn't want anyone to know then why should he put it out there online. Then again, I doubt he'd thought anyone would find his Twitter account. Scrolling through other Tweets, I saw his art and interactions with his online friends which was cool I guess.

On top of my bed, I shut my eyes hard and tried to process what'd happened so suddenly.

//Words: 757

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