▪ Neuf ▪

84 5 1

20XX, mardi, six, sept heures trente.

•Tom's POV•

Groaning slowly, I rubbed my eyes and slapped my alarm clock aggressively. It was also half past seven. Thank God my parents drove me to school 'cause I stayed up 'till three am again. I was a stupid, reckless kid but I didn't care. Life is too short to obey society's norms. I can stay up whenever the hell I want until any time.

Swiftly, I got dressed and did whatever the heck was in my daily morning routine. Not like it was anything worth noting. I couldn't find my tie but I could borrow one from a friend or something. Pulling up my phone, I texted my friend Hellucard to ask him for it.

Me: Hey there, I need to borrow a tie today.

Hellucard: How come?

Me: Can't find mine. Probably lost it again

Hellucard: You're an idiot.

Hellucard: Fine but you owe me one next time.

I sighed. I hate borrowing things from friends and all but it's not half as bad I guess. I guess he's pretty used to me wanting things from him, as I always give him stuff back. I'm not that much of a dickbag -- sometimes. I honestly gotta award him for putting up with my crap all the time and not giving in to my stupid antics. 

Scooting out the car, my mum waved bye to me and I did so back. Gosh, I may not show it, but I really love her. Sitting casually on the wall, I checked through social media on my phone until Hellucard arrives so I wouldn't get into trouble for not 'appropriate uniform'. Nothing happens. It's so tiring and all but I gotta deal with him always being semi-late to things all the frickin' time. It surely can't be too hard to just get up and be on time, right? People who can't stick to things stress me the hell out.

"Um, hey there, Tom." Edd stood there stiffly and with an embarrassed look on their face. I patted the wall next to me softly and they took it as a sign to sit next to them. He lit up a bit at the small morsel of some kind of friendship I offered them and it made me slightly happy. Maybe I can have some use in the weird world. "Hi, Edd," I finally responded. He fidgeted with his thumbs a bit and looked over to me to say something but Hellucard finally arrived and butted in.

"Sorry I'm late again! But, here's your dumb tie." Hellucard swept back his hair from the slight jog he'd just had. He reached his arm out and there lay a severely crumpled up tie on his palm. It's better than nothing, I guess. Delicately, I hung the thing around my neck and tied it 'till it was an average length: up to my waist. I didn't know what to expect after, as a horribly awkward silence hovered in the air afterwards.

"Um, so, Edd! This is Hellucard, a good friend of mine." I laughed in a manner that was so fake, it physically hurt me inside and out. Edd put his hand out and shook Hellucard's. The whole latter pained me so bad but I needed filler before anything interesting happened. Rather be cringing than silent. 

Words: 556 (sorry this is late lmao)

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