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My friend and I went down to Chicago a few weeks ago to see One Direction in concert. I'm going to straight up say it right now, I cried a whole lot during that concert.

As we were hanging out getting food, and teenage boy came up to us and said to my friend "you are very beautiful". My friend took note that the boy was completely ignoring me. We had gone in together, surely he would know neither of us are alone?

He continued by saying "your face, it's completely clear of acne". That was when he directed his attention to me.

"Her's is all over the place."

Excuse me?

"You ain't got no acne. I'm just saying. She's stressin. You ain't. Her acne's all over."

Once again, excuse me?

My friend proceeded to yelled at him, tell him to get out and leave us alone. He left. Believe me when I say this, I would not have hesitated to either bring our dads over, get the restaurant's manager or kick him where the sun don't shine if he hasn't left immediately.

Here's what this kid didn't know.

I've always had issues with acne. I have prescription face wash for it, but here's the catch. The face wash burns layers of skin off. It burns it all of, so your face peels like never before so it can get rid of any toxins in your skin.

It literally burns it all off. The kid doesn't realise that I burnt my acne off a week ahead of time so I wouldn't feel insecure the day of the concert I've waited 3 years for.

I definitely wouldn't say I'm upset or offended. Not even insecure. I'm completely aware of my acne, and I'm completely aware that I'm stressed. I'm a hormonal teenage girl with anxiety disorders. Tell me something I don't know.

What makes me mad is that this boy degraded me and my worth based off of my acne. The acne is what judged if I was beautiful or not, in his eyes.

I am not here for a man's visual pleasure. No woman truly is. If you have problems with my acne, great. But it is a part of life. Acne happens. And no, that does not make them a lesser person.

I cried a lot when One Direction played Little Things.

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