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It was the hardest year for Min Yoongi when the word got out that he was gay in the seventh grade.

He could care less that the people around him were judging him, he just couldn't get around the fact that his best friend, Kim Namjoon, was ignoring him.

Is he ignoring me because i'm gay?  Yoongi thought.

For weeks he would stand on his own against the crowd while Namjoon was nowhere to be found. Whenever Yoongi walked into a room, Namjoon would walk out if it.

His reputation depends on it,  Yoongi thought, he can't be seen with the gay kid.

However, Yoongi was confused. One day he walked into the lunch room, and Namjoon was sitting alone.

Didn't he ditch me for some new friends? Why is he sitting alone when i'm right here?

Yoongi stormed up to Namjoons table and said "What's wrong with you? Why are you ignoring me for no reason, is it because I'm gay? I thought we were best friends Namjoon!"

Namjoon stared ahead and continued eating his food as if Yoongi said nothing just now.
"KIM NAMJOON IM TALKING TO YOU!!" Yoongi yelled, freezing the  lunchroom.

Namjoon looked up at him with a tint of hate in his eyes, picked up his tray and left the lunchroom.

I've had enough of this shit, yoongi thought, and he stormed after Namjoon, catching up to him.
"Namjoon!" Yoongi yelled, finally catching up to the tall 7th grader. "What." Namjoon said looking at the ground.

"Why are you ignoring me? What did I do?"

Namjoon continued looking at the ground, with no response leaving his lips.

"Namjoon I'm talking to you" yoongi said harshly, shaking Namjoon violently

"Stop!" Namjoon argued, pushing yoongi's hands out of the way, "leave me alone."

"Tell me what I did and I will," Yoongi said while crossing his arms.

"Fine." Namjoon said while playing with his fingers nervously. "Y-you didn't tell me you were gay..." Namjoon whispered


"You didn't tell me you were gay!! I thought we were best friends, but you didn't even tell me you were gay before rumor spread around school!" Namjoon yelled with his fists to his side.

"Oh...im sorry Namjoon," yoongi laughed, "I thought you already knew thats why.."

"How would I know?" Namjoon barked, his fists loosening from his sides

"What do you think all of those posters in my room mean," yoongi chuckles.

"Oh..." Namjoon whispered looking at the ground

"Haha you idiot," Yoongi said looping his arm around Namjoon's, "lets get to class"

Hey y'all I hope you liked my story so far its my first one *bites nails*
I dont know when I'll get to the 2nd chapter but it will be soon hehe stay tuned and thanks for reading <3
(Also stan TXT)

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