○ 20 ○

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Jimin still had his head in his hands as the silent car ride continued. He heard the wind sweep through the crack of the window, and the sound of the car going uphill. Jimin heard the cars wheels move, and then they came to a stop.

"We're here." Seokjin said to Jimin. His voice was gentle and sweet, and it was honestly what Jimin needed at the moment.

Jin was already out of the car as Jimin unbuckled his seatbelt. He reached for the door, but it was already opened for him. It was jin.

What a gentleman, Jimin thought and smiled, Namjoon would never do this for me.

"Thank you." Jimin said in a small voice as he stepped out if the car. Jin closed the door for him and waved for Jimin to follow him into his house. Jimin felt uneasy walking through Seokjins front door, why did I even come here?
He told seokjin he didnt want to go home, but he kind of regretted asking seokjin to take him somewhere else.

The boys took their shoes off and Jimin followed Jin to the living room where there was a big couch and medium sized TV.

"Do you wanna sit down?" Seokjin asked Jimin, gesturing towards the spot next to him on the couch. Jimin nodded and walked around the couch to sit next to the other.
"Do you wanna watch tv?" Jin asked, taking the remote out. Jimin shook his head, "okay." Seokjin said, and put the remote back. "Do you wanna talk?" Jin asked with a concerned look on his face. He cared.

Jimin nodded. Why couldn't he say anything?

"Okay," Jin said making himself comfortable, "go ahead, I'll be listening." Jimin looked over to Jin who looked ready to listen to whatever he had to say. He cared.

Someone cares, he thought, and tears started to form in his eyes, because he was actually gonna tell Seokjin. Because he actually cared.

"Okay." jimin started with a small voice and looked down. "Its about Namjoon."

"Mhm" Jin hummed in agreement.

"I-im afraid he wont..." jimin paused and closed his eyes, "I'm afraid...he wont love me anymore soon.."

"Why?" Seokjin asked leaning in more to hear the other better.

"Y-yoongi..." Jimin stuttered. He hated that name. He thought he would never have to say it again. He thought Namjoon would only love him, and never Yoongi again.
He thought wrong.

"Yoongi?" Seokjin asked. Jimin could see the gears turning in Jins head, trying to figure out who Yoongi was again. "Ahhh.." he muttered, "that Yoongi.."

"Yeah," Jimin responded, his voice cracking, "that yoongi.."

"Jimin..." Seokjin started, "what happened between Yoongi and Namjoon to make you think of that-?"

"He lied to me." Jimin interrupted, "he never lies to me. But why now? It's because of him seokjin, I know it is... it has to be."

Seokjin stayed quiet for a second, thinking of something to say, and fast. Jimin never really got like this. He was usually positive and happy, but now he was the total opposite. "Jimin-"

"I've just been his toy Seokjin. Ever since Yoongi broke his heart I've been there for him. Ive listened to him whine and cry about him for a year. A year. And that's how long it took for us to date. I barely got the chance to date him because he was too busy getting over someone he never even had. Hes only dating me to distract him from the person he really loves. And until Yoongi loves Namjoon, I'm just someone he plays with." Jimin wiped the ongoing tears coming from his eyes, they were automatic now. He felt as if his heart had been ripped out of him as he said those painful words, because they've been bottled up inside of him for years. And it was all true.

"Jimin, you're being paranoid-" Jimin shot Jin a look that silenced him. He shouldn't have said that.

"Paranoid?" Jimin chuckled, "Paranoid?" Seokjin gulped so loud, it echoed throughout the house. "Jin I've been letting this go for years, and I'm being paranoid?"

"No Jimin I-Im sorry," Jin said hanging his head low, "I dont know why I said that. I am trying to help you in this but I dont know what to say, I want to help you." Jin continued desperately.

Jimin could tell Jin wanted to help him, and smiled. He really does care. Namjoon never did. He never asked how his day was, never asked what he wanted to do, never put much effort into their relationship, and never looked at him the way he looked at Yoongi. Never.

Jimin scooted closer to Seokjin on the couch and lifted his hands up to cup his face, his small hands covering the others cheeks. Seokjins face became redder and his eyes widened. "Jimin what are you-"

Jimin interrupted the others sentence as he connected his lips with Jins, their lips softly brushing up against each other, fitting perfectly.

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Sorry I had to end it like that hehe I'm a sucker for cliffhangers :P

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you like it!! I'm sorry if there are any mistakes and please point them out for me.

Thank you and please vote for my story uwu!!!


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