○ 21 ○

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Seokjin pulled away from the sudden kiss from the other. "Jimin..." Seokjin said holding the other away from him, so he wouldn't continue the kiss. "We cant do this... what about Namjoon?"

Jimin plopped down in front of Seokjin, looking at him with big, tearful eyes. "What do you mean, 'what about Namjoon?'" Jimin asked as a tear fell from his eye dramatically, "he doesn't even love me."

"Jimin, you-"

"I thought you cared about me hyung?" Jimin interrupted in a small voice. "Just when I thought someone cared about me or what I say. Someone who asks me if i'm okay and listens to me. Namjoon never did that for me. He just wanted the picture on the outside of the relationship rather than the important things like trust....a-and.... l-love."

Seokjin reached out to touch the other, "Jimin I-"

"Don't touch me." Jimin spat, swatting Seokjin's hand away. "I don't need you. I don't need anyone. And I especially don't need Namjoon." He whispered while wiping the river of tears from his face. He started to stand up, but Seokjin pulled his arm, sending him back on the couch.

 Seokjin hated when Jimin did this. He would always pull on Seokjin's heart strings so hard to the point where he would do anything for him. Jimin knew just what made Seokjin crumble, and he hated that, because he could potentially be doing something that could change is relationship with Jimin and most importantly, Namjoon.

"Jimin..I get you're in pain right now, but doing this isn't the best way to solve your problems. Not only will you be hurt, but so many others will get hurt too." Seokjin told Jimin, trying to reassure him. Jimin was in the same position since Seokjin pulled him down on the couch. His head was sagging and hands were in his lap, fingers fiddling together. His hands became more wet from his tears as the day grew longer.

"I don't think i'll be able to feel anymore pain," Jimin chuckled, "I...I think Namjoon...broke me."

"You never gave him a chance to explain Jimin. You're assuming that he doesn't love you. You're assuming that he still loves Yoongi. You're assuming that-"

"You cared about me." Jimin muttered, cutting Seokjin off.

"No, Jimin I do care about you, really," Seokjin told him softly while putting his hand on the small of the others back, "I just don't want you to regret anything."

"Regret what? Kissing you?" Jimin asked, finally looking up to meet Seokjin's eyes, "I would never regret doing that. I-I...like you Seokjin.." Jimin stuttered.

Seokjin eyes widened. "w-what?"

"I like you." Jimin repeated, looking deeper into Jin's soul with his soft brown eyes.

Jin remained silent, because he knew for a fact that Jimin didn't like him. Yes him and the other had known each other for a while, but Jimin has been in love with Namjoon for years. There's no way that Jimin could like him. He was just trying to distract himself from the war his heart was going through over Namjoon. Seokjin was his distraction. 

The words Seokjin were hidden in the back of his throat as Jimin set his lips on top of his again, and Seokjin didn't pull away. His heart deserved to beat for once. Even if Jimin's wouldn't beat in the same way.

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Thank you so much for reading my story this far! Sorry if it is a little short, it's kind of late but i wanted to post something before I went to sleep. I would maybe estimate that the last chapter will be something in the 30's. Yes, its getting to the point where it might be the end soon. But don't worry, there's a long-ish way to go.

Also sorry if there are any typos or weird sentences please let me know if you see any :)) I hope all of you are doing well, thank you so much and I hope you vote for this chapter!!


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