○ 17 ○

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Jimin left to his class without saying goodbye, which was kind of weird, but Namjoon put it in the back of his mind. His next class was Algebra 2, and he needed to make a good impression for his next teacher at least- so far all the teachers hated him.

He was a little tired so he went to the school cafeteria to get a cup of coffee, even though he hated coffee. In fact, he barely knew how to make coffee.

When he arrived in the school cafe, he moved slow making his coffee because he was too busy watching the person making theirs, copying everything they did. Namjoon got the hang of it so he was able to do it himself.

The other left and Namjoon was left in the cafe by himself doing some little things like putting the sugar and cream in. He grabbed so many cream packets that he dropped one. "Fuck.." he groaned, and bent down to pick it up, his butt hitting against the table. When his fingers wrapped around the rims of the cream container, Namjoon felt a hot, boiling substance on his bare leg, and screamed.

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Yoongi skipped his second hour. He wanted to start off the year well, but he didnt want to face the person sitting in there. When he saw Kim Namjoon in his gym class, he immediately ran out, now he was watching in the window as a smaller boy with dirty blonde hair embraced him in a tight, suffocating hug that made Namjoon smile.

Yoongi clutched his chest, his breath quickening.

He almost tripped running to the bathroom as he felt a liquid rising up in his stomach to his mouth.

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Namjoon layed on the floor clutching his leg in an unbearable and throbbing pain. He couldn't even look up to see where the source of pain was coming from.

He was surprised that no one was there to help him, or even ask if he was okay.

Tears welled up in Namjoons eyes and he forced them shut. He didnt want to seem like a baby because of some accident. For fucks sake, he was in high school, he couldnt do that kind of stuff there.

It was a little while since he got injured, so Namjoon was definitely late to class. I probably should get going, he thought, and unwrapped his hands from his injured leg, feeling a strong sting from the burns, making him cry out in pain. Tears stang the back of his eyes again, but he continued to try to stand up.

He lifted his hands up to set them on the cafe floor, lifting his arms up to pick himself up, hopping up to his non injured leg.
"Okay here we go.." he uttered out with a long breath. Namjoon stretched his neck and arms before pulling out his injured leg to walk on it.

When he put the pressure of his leg on the floor, he cried out in pain again and fell down to the floor, clutching his leg. How did this even happen? Why is the pain so bad?  Namjoon remembered how bad his day has been so far, and without hesitation, tears started flowing down his face nonstop. He crawled into a ball on the floor and sobbed, feeling himself become weaker and weaker, his vision darkening, and everything went black.

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Yoongi heard the bell ring 20 minutes ago, along with a scream from one of the students, but they were probably just playing around. He didnt have any motivation to do anything. He was just getting along with Hoseok, and forgetting about Namjoon, but there he was again, and he flooded his thoughts. All he thought about was Namjoon.

Just him.

Not again.

In the corner of the stall where he was sitting, a pool of his tears were right next to him, and a bunch of balled up tissues on the other side.

Another ear shattering scream ringed in the halls and in Yoongis ears. Yoongis head shot up and his eyes widened. Who could possibly be yelling that loud and what for? It seemed like the same yell as before, so someone must be calling for help.

Yoongi hesitated to go and see what happened but decided to see what was going on. Leaving the trails of tears and tissues, Yoongi left the stall and bathroom to follow the sound of the previous screams. The hall was silent, so he was confused why there was no one here after the sound of screams. The only sounds in the hall was Yoongis footsteps and a faint sound of sniffles and sobs. He figured that's where the sound was coming from and walked faster to see what was going on. As he got closer, the sound of sobs became quieter and came to a stop as he entered the cafe where the source of the sobs came from.

Yoongi wandered consciously through the doors of the cafe, looking around every corner to see where the victim could be. He walked quietly to the self served coffee section looking around to the sides of the room, his eyes wandering to the floor.

His eyes widened.

Someone was on the floor in a ball, their body was stiff and their chest was slowly moving up and down. Yoongi dropped to the ground to see what was wrong. "Hello?!" Yoongi screamed, "Are you okay?!" Yoongi shook the other trying to wake him up, but there was no response. "Hey!! Wake up man!!" Yoongi shook the other so hard he let himself out of a ball, his body opening up while his arms and legs slapped against the cold cafe floor.

Yoongi felt his heart ache. He couldn't believe what was happening. He couldn't breath. He couldn't speak.

It was him.

It was Kim Namjoon.

"N-namjoon.." he croaked. His throat suddenly became rough and he couldnt stop the tears coming from his eyes. "Namjoon!!" He yelled. Tears blurred his vision as he picked up the other and set him in his arms, lightly slapping his cheek to wake him up. Yoongi looked around hectickly to see what the source of  Namjoons pain was.

It was his leg.

His leg?!

Namjoons leg was a dark red color, heat radiating off the part of his leg. Yoongi gave off a sigh of relief but his heart was still going through it. Namjoon needed help, and Yoongi decided that he would be the only one to help him. No one else.

Yoongi dragged Namjoon up against a wall and opened his legs. Yoongi put his back against Namjoons chest in between Namjoons legs and put Namjoons arms around his neck so he could pick him up. Namjoon was way bigger than him, so it would be a struggle to get him up. Yoongi lifted Namjoon up on his back, almost falling back again. His legs were wobbling and in pain, but he refused to let him go.

Yoongi knew that decision he was making could change his life forever, but it would all be worth it.

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I'm super sorry for not updating for a long time. I made this chapter really long so that i could make up for all the days I've lost. I should be able to update for the next few days so get ready for that. I might be updating for 3 days in a row since I'm going to busy next week.

Thank you all so much for reading and I sincerely apologize again for updating so late!! I apologize if there are any grammar issues, I made this update as fast as possible. Thank you!!!


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