○ 19 ○

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Namjoon woke up to some pressure on his leg, and he hissed in pain, bringing it up to his chest, but his leg was pulled back someone.

"Don't move." Someone said, putting a cold substance on his leg. It felt good.

"W-what's going on? Where am I?" Namjoon asked while wiping his eyes.

"Some coffee fell on your leg and you were being dramatic and passed out. And your at my house." He stated while bandaging Namjoons leg.

"Who-" Namjoon asked sitting up fast, a stranger took him to his house? This is exactly how horror movies start.

Namjoon looked over at who was bandaging his leg- it was Yoongi.


Namjoons voice cracked while saying the others name, because he didn't expect it to be him who was helping him. Especially after what happened this morning.

"Yes, hello." He replied, continuing to wrap the bandages on his leg.

"W-why am I here?" Namjoon muttered, but loud enough for Yoongi to hear. Yoongi shot him a glare, and Namjoon broke eye contact immediately. 

"I saved your ass and you're complaining about where you are?" Yoongi scoffed, "Next time i'll just leave you there passed out like the idiot you are."

"How am I the idiot?" Namjoon asked defensively, "I didn't ask to be put in this position, I didn't asked to get hurt, and I certainly didn't ask you to help me. So why did you help me if it was such a burden?"

Yoongi continued bandaging Namjoons leg in silence, and Namjoon stayed quiet too.

"There." Yoongi stated, and stood up and left his room to put his things away.

Namjoon sat alone on Yoongi's bed awkwardly. He didn't know what to do. There were butterflies forming in his stomach, probably because he was a little nervous. He fidgeted with his fingers and then looked to his bandaged leg. His fingers lightly touched the tightly wrapped bandages. They were neat and secure, something Namjoon didn't expect Yoongi to do. He thought they would be lose and all over the place, because it seemed like Yoongi didn't want to help Namjoon in the first place. 

Namjoon was confused. 

Did Yoongi care, or not?

Namjoon turned to put his back against Yoongi's bedroom wall, his feet hanging off the bed. His legs felt warm in cozy in his blue jeans, way different than how they felt earlier. He looked down at his pants to see that he wasn't wearing his blue jeans anymore- but some sweatpants. They were gray and a little big, but a good fit for Namjoon.

Wait, he thought, Yoongi put these on me..?

Namjoon freaked out internally and blushed, thinking about Yoongi taking off his pants and seeing the parts of his body that he was insecure about. How embarrassing, he thought, and  threw his face into his hands.

"What's wrong with you?" He heard someone say and took his face out of his hands. Yoongi had his head cocked to the decide and had two glasses of water in his hand, one that he figured was for him.

"n-nothing.." Namjoon said in a small voice, trying to hide his flustered emotion from the other.

"obviously not," Yoongi replied and walked towards Namjoon, "your face is getting red are you feeling okay?"

Yoongi leaned on the bed and reached out his arm to touch Namjoons forehead. As soon as Yoongi's hand made contact with Namjoon's skin, he felt as if he was gonna explode. He felt his cheeks radiating with heat and the butterflies in his stomach continued to flutter and become worse. 

"Woah Namjoon, you're burning up, are you sure you're okay??" Yoongi asked, taking his hand off Namjoons forehead and sitting beside him, concerned.

"YES," he yelled, "i-i mean... yes." Namjoon nearly jumped off the bed, and brushed himself off. "I-I should go yoongi, its getting l-late."

"but its only 5 oclock(pm)..." Yoongi assured to him, sitting up to the edge of his bed.

"i know but, m-my mom will worry, I have to go now, bye!" Namjoon said, limping out the door.

"But you're sick!" Yoongi yelled out to him, but the door shut and cut him off mid-sentence.

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Thank you so much for reading this chapter!! Sorry this chapter was kind of short, It's kind of late and I still wanted to update with something. I apologize if there are any typos or mistakes, please help and point them out for me, thanks!!

And please vote for my chapter, thank you so much!!


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