○ 16 ○

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Namjoon blinked his eyes a couple times, trying to realized what just happened with Yoongi. The words Yoongi said before leaving left a scar on Namjoon's heart, and he didn't know why.

Who said we were friends?

Who said we were friends?

Who said we were friends?

The same phrase repeated in his head, echoing throughout his body, making a shiver go down his spine. He felt cold and mostly betrayed, but why? He hasn't talked to Yoongi in years, so why did it bother him so much? Yes he had a crush on him in Middle School, and sure Yoongi was his first love, but that was all in the past. It was just a small middle school crush anyway.

Namjoon heard the door close and shook his head violently, clearing the toxic thoughts flowing through his brain. He bent down to pick up his backpack that he dropped down before talking to Yoongi. He threw it over his shoulder and walked swiftly past a student walking in to leave the suffocating bathroom.

Practically running out of the bathroom, Namjoon looked at the time and his eyes widened. "SHIT IM LATE!!" Namjoon accidentally yelled while running to his next class.

"Language," A Hall monitor said as Namjoon ran past him, "And no running!" He yelled after him.

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"Park Jimin?"

"Here." Jimin responded quickly, taking himself out of a trans. He looked at his watch, where is Namjoon?  Class started 10 minutes ago and Namjoon was still not here. Jimin was getting even more paranoid after what Taehyung told him about his conversation with Yoongi in the bathroom.

It didn't take long for Jimin to remember who yoongi was, and he wished he had forgotten. Namjoon's crush on Yoongi was the worst thing that happened to Jimin, because he thought he would never have a chance with him in the first place. Yes it was just a Middle School crush, but it took Namjoon a couple years to get over him. And all of those years, Jimin suffered.

Now Jimin was scared that Yoongi would take Namjoon from him again. Jimin could not accept that.

Not again.

The doors swung open, causing the doors hit the wall, a loud slam hitting the wall. The class grew silent. Jimin threw his head around to see that it was Namjoon, panting with his hands on his knees, gasping for air. Jimin ran towards him and set his hand on the others back, rubbing it up and down. At the point, the whole class was looking at the two in confusion, the teacher waiting for an explanation from Namjoon. 

Namjoon stood up slowly and looked at jimin, a wide smile forming across his face, his dimples deepening. Jimins heart began to beat faster and felt his cheeks heat up from the others expression towards Jimin. He tried to fight the urge to kiss him right then and there in front of everyone. He never really cared about what people thought about his relationship with Namjoon, but this was definitely not the time for a makeout session.

Namjoons head turned his head to the teacher as he cleared his throat. His arms were crossed and his eyes were glaring into Namjoon's soul. The glare was so strong, Jimin strayed away from Namjoon's side, standing beside his classmates.

"My apologies Mr. uhhh.."

"Jae-ho." The teacher spat.

Namjoon gulped, "Y-yes, M-m.r J-jae-ho...I apologize for coming so late, I.. had a meeting with a counselor."

Even Jimin knew that was a lie, and he was gullible.

"Do you have a pass?" Mr. Jae-ho questioned.

"No..." Namjoon replied, looking down.

"Then you're late. Now go and change your clothes while the rest of us who were on time begin class." He sputtered, already turned around.

Jimin glanced at Namjoons face and his heart sank. His head was down and he was biting his lip, and Jimin knew he felt bad. 

"Okay.." Namjoon answered, shuffling away to change his clothes.

Jimin was considering going back to see if Namjoon was okay, but knew the teacher would scold him if he were to go after him.

Mr. Jae-ho gathered the students for stretching and explained the agenda for the day and for the rest of the year. Namjoon's sullen face continued to pop up into Jimin's head, and he couldn't concentrate. There was a huge difference in the smile Namjoon gave him earlier, and the sad and gloomy face he made after Mr. Jae-ho told him off. Thinking about it made his heart sting, and he held his chest in despair.

"You okay baby?" Someone whispered in his ear.

Jimin turned to see that it was Namjoon, already changed and sitting next to him, his arm wrapped around the other, pulling him into him. He was wearing blue basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. His hair was tousled a bit from the rapid change of clothes, but his smile was still as bright as before.

"Yeah joonie im okay, are you?? He was pretty harsh back there.." Jimin asked, looking at Namjoons face for some kind of answer.

"Yeah, i'm fine.." Namjoon said looking down, "At first I was a bit surprised, but I was kind of sad being humiliated like that..." Namjoon continued. "It was my fault anyway." He shrugged.

"It's okay baby, you had a meeting, and you didn't know the counselor would keep you late.." Jimin replied, taking Namjoon's hand and rubbing his thumb along the others knuckles. "What did you guys talk about?" Jimin asked, resting his arm on Namjoon's leg.

Don't lie to me, he thought, Please.

"Oh you know, the usual," Namjoon replied, "College, grades... stuff like that, you know?"

"Yeah..." Jimin muttered.

He lied.

But why?

Was there something he needed to hide? 

Did something happen between him and Yoongi? 

Why can't he just tell me?

Jimin was so distressed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice Namjoon talking to him.

"Jimin?" Namjoon asked, looking in Jimin's line of vision, "Is everything okay?"

No. "Yeah baby, everything's fine, why?" Jimin questioned, cocking his head to the side.

"You just seemed a bit off, that's all.."

I wonder why, Jimin thought.

"How was your first hour?" Jimin asked.

"So boring," "Namjoon said while smiling, "I fell asleep" he laughed.

"Wow..." Jimin said while laughing along with him, "Did you see any of your friends or make any new ones?" Jimin asked, increasing the pitch in his voice. He tried his hardest for Namjoon to just tell him the truth, no matter how obvious or desparate it seemed.

Please just tell me, he wished.

"Nah." Namjoon said dryly, "I didn't even see Seokjin yet today.." Namjoon muttered, playing with his shoelaces.

Jimin couldn't control his facial expressions, but tried his hardest to. He really thought him and Namjoon were getting to a point where they could tell each other anything. Isn't that what couples are supposed to do? 

Apparently we're not a couple, Jimin thought.

I'm just temporary.

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I am SO sorry for updating so late and this week i will try to update everyday!! thanks for reading!!

(its 2am jhugvyfc goodnight <3 #BWL1stWin)

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