5. Sweet Smell of Cigarettes and Movies

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                                              (Y/N)'s P.O.V

                     The day started to become dusk out and it seemed like the perfect time to go out. "Hey I gotta go pick up cancer sticks before this movie ight?" Dally said. "cancersticks?" I asked. "They're cigarettes sugar." Dally said to me. "why do you have to be creepy about it Dally?" Pony asked. "I am not be creepy, you're making it creepy kid." Ponyboy rolled his eyes. "We ready to roll out?" Dally asked. "I guess so." I said. Dally was giving me some weird vibes but i let it go. All of us walked out the house and headed over to the DX gasoline station. Sodapop was outside with this other guy in a DX uniform. "Hey, Steve give me one of em cancer sticks." he pulled out a twenty and handed it to who I am guessing at the time is Steve. Steve walked in the store. "Are you guys heading somewhere?" Sodapop asked. "Yeah we're gonna go to the drive in and watch a movie." Ponyboy said. "Alright, you guys have fun and tell me how it is." "We will." he said. Steve came out with the pack and handed them to Dally. "ight kids we ready?" he asked. we both nodded. We said our goodbyes to Soda and Steve and headed to the drive in. "Does anyone have money?" I asked. "We don't need money." Dally said and Pony agreed with him. "We kind of need money to get in though." I said. They looked at each other and started to laugh. "We'll just show you." Pony said. "Well I know people sneak people in with cars but we don't have a car." I was very confused with the situation. "Us greasers have our own way of getting in without paying." Dally said. "Do I believe you?" "You should." he said. We eventually got there then Ponyboy got to the fence and I saw a little ditch dug out so we can climb under. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Yep." Ponyboy got down and slipped under to the other side. "What if we get caught?" I asked. "How about you hurry up pretty lady before we do?" Dally said while grinning at me. I got down and went under to the other side, Dally did after me. "You gotta live in the moment girly." Dally said while nudging me. He walked over to the seats and sat down and kicked up his feet in the chairs in front of him. Ponyboy sat down and I sat next to Pony. Dally lit a a match with his necklace then lit his cigarette and he started to puff on it. "Can a bum a cig off of you Dally?" Ponyboy asked. "ight but you owe me a foot rub." he said jokingly. "ew Dally." "I'm just messing with ya, here." he said while getting one out of the pack and handing it to Pony, Pony lit his and started to take drags of his. "Why do you smoke cigarettes Dally?" I asked. "You like asking inappropriate questions women?" he asked. "I was wondering." I said to him. "You wonder a lot girly." he said while taking drags from the cigarette. "So why do you?" I asked. "because I can." he said blunt. "Fair enough I guess but you can get cancer from them." I stated. "Yeah, that's why I call them cancer sticks." he said blunt again. "Alright whatever Winston." I said. He looked over Pony to look at me. "You're lucky I don't fucking swing on you right now missy." he said kind of mad. "Dally calm down." Ponyboy said. Dally got up. "Whatever this fucking moving sucks ass anyways, I'll catch y'all later when I'm cool." he said then walked off. I looked at Ponyboy. "Does he always do that?" "Do what?" "Get mad like that when people talk back to him?" I asked. "Most of the time." Pony said, he puffed on his cigarette and watched the movie. I wasn't really interested in the movie since it was some romance movie that was boring but Ponyboy seemed to focus in on it though. I sat around until it was done and I looked up at the stars, I was surprised that I can see them because of the light pollution but it was a perfect night it seemed like for there not to be stars. Eventually the movie ended so Ponyboy and I got up and started heading back to the Curtis house. 'That was kind of a boring movie." I said. "I liked it." he said. "How?" I asked. "I come to really like movies a lot and I can focus and really like the movie." he said. "That is kind of cool." I said. "I guess." We got to the gate of his house again. "Hey, uh Pony." I said. He turned around and looked at me. "Yeah?" he asked. "Thanks for taking me to the movies, I did have a good time and let loose for once." I said. He smiled at me. "You're welcome." he said. "Well, you dig okay too, you wouldn't be a bad friend after all." I said. "Oh- uh yeah." he said kind of awkward. "Ready for dinner at the Curtis house?" he asked. "What's so special about dinner?" I asked. "You'll see." We walked up on the porch and he opened the front door for me.

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