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So. I still can't believe it's really over. 

It's been such a journey. I started writing this book when I was thirteen, young and too eager to contribute to the fandom, and the whole thing was absolutely atrocious. I'm not even exaggerating. One day, I decided to read through it, and discovered gaping plot holes and under-developed characters, all haphazardly covered up with a language that was somewhere in between flowery and awkward.

I took it down, horrified at the prospect of even one more stranger reading my work, and left it to fester for awhile before I decided to rewrite it entirely. I was pleased with the prologue, but the extent of my writing abilities seemed to stop there. Once I published it, I felt pressurized to make every chapter match up to its standard, and took little joy in writing the subsequent chapters - I hope it didn't show!

I'm not a naturally good writer, and words don't come easily to me. Every chapter in this book has gone through at least 3 rounds of editing, and I'm still quite dissatisfied with some parts. There were times when I hated my writing so much that I seriously considered taking down this book so it would never see the light of day again. But I saw that there were still people who enjoyed it, people who eagerly awaited updates, and I thought it would be unfair to them if I just discontinued it without an explanation. 

All in all, I'm glad I finally finished this book - it made me realize just how much I was capable of.  

Also. To my readers. A big fat thank you to all you lovely people, from those who were here since the beginning (remember when this book was still titled CLAUDINE? Those were dark times), to those who only recently discovered it. You guys are the sweetest people ever. Thank you for sticking around ❤️

Before you read the Q&A, I'd love to know what you thought of the story! Please leave your comments by the side :)

- Favorite chapter

- Favorite thing about Claudine

- One thing you like best about the story

- One thing you wish I'd incorporated


[ Q&A ]

If you have any more questions, just feel free to comment, and I'll reply you! [Unfortunately, I won't be disclosing any personal information about myself (e.g. where I live, my full name) due to privacy reasons!] 


How did the idea of Claudine's character come about?

I based Claudine off myself. I also drew some inspiration from Anya (from Anastasia the musical), so I think they do have a little bit in common!

How did you go about writing Enjolras's character and dialogue? What was going through your head?

I was really in love with this character (and I still am, tbh). I read all there was to read about him in the Brick, and kind of pieced together my own understanding about his core values and beliefs. The Brick gives you this main skeletal framework of what he's like and how he carries himself, and it's really up to you to derive the specific details of his character! (e.g. He's presented as this single-minded, ambitious person who's always moving forward --> he doesn't like to look back on things that have already passed --> he wouldn't like remembering) 

What is Claudine's MBTI personality type?

ISFP. If we go with the assumption that Enjolras is an ENTJ, then they are complete opposites. Realistically, I don't think they'll last in a long-term relationship, especially in this era. The difference in the second letter - Claudine's sensing (S) and Enjolras's intuition (N) - makes them a little too incompatible. That doesn't mean they can't love each other, though - it's just that they are very unlikely to spend their whole lives with each other.

What happens to Claudine after the story ends?

I didn't write it out because I wanted to leave it up to you guys, but since you asked... *rubs hands gleefully*

She finds the gypsies living quietly in a small village on the outskirts of southern France. Not all of them made it out of the fire. Her father is blind but alive. She makes friends with, and ultimately falls in love with one of the gypsies who joined after the fire. Still, she knows that she can never love him as much as she did Enjolras. When she finally dies at sixty, she sees Enjolras, just as she remembered him to be, beckoning her to the light. 

What if Enjolras survived?

The dark, scheming part of me says that nothing changes. Haunted by the memories of the barricade and the screams of his friends, Enjolras searches desperately for something to find solace in. He never finds Claudine. He goes back to live with his bourgeois family, defeated after seeing that his friends' deaths were all for nothing. He suffers from severe PTSD (let's be honest, who wouldn't) and dies a quiet, miserable, ignoble death. 

You guys can use your imagination and come up with a happier alternative.

Where's the cast?

There was one originally, but I took it down because I wanted you guys to have the freedom to imagine whoever you want as the various characters. 


Who's your favorite barricade boy?

Feuilly. No contest. Fight me. 

Will there be a sequel?


What was your favorite chapter to write?

Chapter 12. Claudine ran into the burning Court of Miracles to save her horse, Melanie, and Enjolras followed. I think that was the chapter they started harboring feelings for one another. 

What was the hardest chapter to write?

Ironically, chapter 1, because there were so many important things I needed to bring out to the readers, but I didn't know how to. Once I finished it, the rest of the chapters were (more or less) a breeze to write.

Will you be writing another book?

That's hard to say. I don't think I'm capable of writing another Les Mis fanfiction as thoroughly as this one. If I do, you'll see me repeating a lot of my sentences/descriptions because I ran out of ideas. 

Also, I'm going to be taking a break. I joined Wattpad to explore the extent of my writing abilities, and never intended for it to be a permanent part of my life. That being said, I'll still read all your comments and reply to them from time to time! 

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