<Chapter 4-Dinner and Discussions>

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Keith and Shiro looked at each other in surprise and confusion until Shiro spoke up. "I don't really have an answer for you Keith, but ever since I met you today I have felt very protective over you, I'm sorry if it came off as weird, but all I want to do is help someone in need". Tears began to swell up into Keith's eyes as he embraced Shiro. "Thank you" Keith spoke while tears streamed from his eyes onto Shiro's shirt. Shiro reached out and embraced Keith and they stayed there for a while, until Shiro released and began to pack up what was left of Keith's apartment. The two of them hopped into Shiro's car and off they went. It was a decently long drive to Shiro's home. Its location was very secluded and off the map, for reasons Keith didn't care to think about. The two of them walked slowly into Shiro's house. It was a beautiful house, it was very similar to a log cabin, but it seemed to look more polished than any cabin Keith had seen. The inside was well furnished, and it smelled of fresh wood. Keith stood in awe as he sat on the closest chair gently. Shiro snickered "You don't have to act like everything is fine china, my home is your home, so make yourself comfortable". Keith looked around sheepishly, until he and Shiro's eyes met. Both of their faces got a little red, and then Shiro pointed across the room "That door there is your room, mine is just across the hall, if you need anything i'll be in the kitchen, get comfortable and I will call you out when dinner is ready". Keith, confused, wandered into his room and began to unpack his things. Hi bag had very few items, but he had what was most important to him, his guitar. He found a chair near the window of his room and he started to play, the late night sunset created an orange glow onto his face, and the sounds that came from his guitar made the house full of lovely sound. Shiro sat in the kitchen and wallowed in the sound, it almost seemed to invigorate him and give him more energy, so he began to work on dinner, almost working even harder to cook well because he had company. Keith continued to play, but now he was singing too. The melody felt like silk to the ears, and it never sounded the same twice, it was as if he wasn't even trying to play, he was just letting his hands flow on the guitar. Soon Shiro finished dinner, and called Keith out to eat. Keith walked out of his room with a new sense of comfort, and the two sat down and began to eat. The two of them sat and talked for hours getting to know each other. Keith learned that Shiro was an journalist, and he cooks in his spare time, and Shiro learned that Keith was not just a musician, but he was also fairly good at making him blush, and asking a lot of questions. They talked a lot about family, and why Keith moved to the big city, and then they got on the subject of relationships. They shared funny stories of the past and what happened in their old relationships, and what kind of people they dated in the first place. Since there sexualities were still unknown to each other, Keith and Shiro exchanged looks as if to ask each other silently if it was ok to share this with each other, but they both decided not to at that moment and laughed out the awkward silence. The night seemed to last only minutes, but the two had been talking for hours. Shiro got up from the table and Keith helped him tidy up the dishes, then Shiro and Keith both walked to there rooms. They stopped at their doors, then turned to each other and said a simple "Good Night". Keith then changed for bed and slept like a baby, forgetting all of the negativity of the day, until he heard the birds singing. 


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