The Name

859 43 3

Elsa POV

I awoke in my ice palace with a start. The sun with filtered through the intricately designed walls. I crinkled my nose as the sun was making me sneeze. I sat my feet on the bare floor. I didn't get chills even though I should, but strangely, the cold never bothered me...

"You are so cute when you sleep." I heard an annoyingly familiar voice say.

I jumped.I scanned my room while slipping on my ice heels. I saw the same pair of blue eyes that have so many emotions hidden in them. I glared at him icily.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned him. My eyes challenged him to lie.

He grinned, making the corner of his eyes crinkle up like he was a child.

"I just happened to be flying around, I really have nothing to do since you already froze the whole place up. So I decided to pay a visit. You were still asleep, so I just waited for you to wake up." He responded casually, not breaking eye contact.

I scoffed and threw my hands up in the air.

"You don't just break into people's homes without at least knocking!" I shouted.

He let out a laugh. I stormed out of the room in disbelief. He heard him following me yet again, so I decided to play a little trick on him.

"You know what? I think you have a crush on me..." I smirked.

He blushed a deep red. He looked everywhere, but me. I moved slowly towards him in a somewhat seductive way.

"I-I-I don't know what you are talking about..." He stammered.

I was only inches away from his face. He didn't move at all. He was falling right into my trap.

"You know what?" I asked, my voice a little higher.

"Yea?" He asked sheepishly. He leaned in, thinking I was going to kiss him. Ha! I learned from Jack Overland not to fall so easily anymore.

"I think you are a...frozen boy." I whispered, almost so quiet that I couldn't hear it myself.

"Wait, what?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Nice try!" I laughed, as I shot ice as his feet that froze him in place.

I laughed even harder as he struggled to get free.

"Aww...You were so close!" I stuck out my lower lip.

"Why you little!" He yelled at me.

I cackled as I formed as small cloud over his head. It began snowing as he got even more irritated. He finally broke free as he began to chase me. I screamed as he grabbed by my waist and began to tickle me. Why is he so weird?!

I finally pushed him off as I ran down the stairs. I stopped as I heard my stomach growl. I didn't even think about how I was going to eat all the way up here. I heard Jack float towards me.

"Someone sounds hungry!" He joked.

I rolled my eyes as I formed an ice cloak. It was not because I was cold, it was to hide my identity. Before I pulled the hood over my head,  I looked at my reflection. My braid was a little messy, so I decided to let my hair free. I ruffled my hair to make my wild waves a little less crazy. I am hoping this my hide my face a little bit. I kind of stick out with my platinum blonde hair.

I turned to to face Jack. He stared at me wide eyed. I smiled, and walked out the door without saying a word.

-Time Lapse-

The sun was now high in the sky, but that wasn't melting any snow that covered the thick woods. That was my fault. It was supposed to be summer, and now the people of Arendelle are suffering because of my actions. I wouldn't feel as free as I am right now. I wonder how Anna is doing.

"We are here." I heard Jack say which pulled my back into reality. I looked up to see a cute little cabin in the middle of the woods. It read Tiana's Place at the top. I was excited to finally try something new. I had eaten palace food almost my entire life.

We entered together when I saw someone pass right through Jack. He frowned. I forgot that mostly the whole world couldn't see him.

"How many?" A woman asked. She had big brown eyes that seemed full of kindness

" please." I said timidly. I glanced at Jack and saw him shrug.

"My name is Tiana, and I will be your server today." I smiled.

"Your restaurant is absolutely lovely!" I said.

She blushed as she sat me down a table meant for two. I let out a sigh, glad that Jack could sit somewhere.

"Why thank you miss!" She responded sweetly.

"It's a shame though. We are usually always busy, but with this crazy winter in the middle of summer is just driving people away!" She scoffed.

I looked down at my shoes. She didn't deserve this. I felt a little nauseous and sat down quickly. I am glad for once that I stayed hidden so people couldn't recognize me as queen easily.

"I am gonna give you are special, on the house! I just haven't had a customer in a while so I am feeling generous." Her eyes sparkled with warmth.

I faked a smile,trying my best not to show the anguish I felt inside.

"That would be lovely." I said quietly. She sashayed away when I turned to face Jack.

He told me many things about the three years he could remember. I listened intently, he had a much more interesting life than I had. His smile was so familiar if I could think hard enough, I might be able to place it.

Tiana returned with sizzling pancakes stacked very high. Butter and syrup drizzled off the sides. My mouth watered. I thanked her as she walked back into her kitchen. I offered one to Jack.

"I don't eat." He replied bluntly. I just rolled my eyes and began to wolf down the pancakes.

After a while later, we began heading back up to the mountain. We were silent the whole way until I couldn't stand it anymore.

"I had a fun time with you Jack. I really mean it." I looked into his eyes.

"I feel the same way. I just feel so natural around I know you..." He trailed off as he leaned in, just centimeters from my lips.

It hit me like a slap in the face. I backed away, just before he was going to meet his lips with mine. I looked up at him with curiosity.

"Jack Overland?" I asked.

Authors Note:

Yeah boyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

How about dat!!!!!!!!!!

A SUPER long chappie!!!!!!!!

Gawd that took me forever to write...So much happened and I even made a small cliffy at the end.

I know Tiana isn't in Europe, or even in that time period, but I like adding other Disney stuff in there cause its fun. Just so you know Rapunzel is next! Then Ariel since they are all so close.

Okay I hope that means you guys aren't mad I didn't update over the weekend?

So yeah....

Next one will be in Jack's POV


Until Next Time!!!!


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