1: Meeting you

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Luna POV

Nervous, anxious, tensed. I look at myself in the mirror, staring deep at my reflection for a couple of moments. Fluttering my eyelashes a few times, I add the last few touches. Patted a bit of deep red lipstick onto my lips; a little eye-shadow on my eyelids and a bit of highlighter to make my face glow. Just a little colour to my face and I was all set and ready to go.

Grabbing my backpack, I take a look at my reflection once again. Adjusting my skirt, making sure it was a little shorter, I gave myself a brief smile. A little bit sexy, yet slightly formal. Suitable enough for school. Satisfied with my presentation, I eventually head out my small apartment and prepare myself of the day that was waiting ahead of my fate.


My grasp on the strap of my backpack got tighter as my anxiety crept up on me. The prestigious and large building stood tall and proud behind the giant, black gates. My heart was pounding faster than the normal heartbeat. I close my eyes and inhaled sharply.

Flushing my dark memories from two years ago, I open my eyes with a soft exhale. This was it. A new city, new school, new me and new beginning.

I stepped foot onto this new foreign land. This place where hopefully my dreams would come true. My dreams of becoming a lawyer: a new me. No more smoking weed, drinking cheap liquor, seducing men, getting fucked over, blood.

Let me introduce my new self.

Hi. I'm Song Luna. Just a girl desperate for an escape from my dark past. My dream? To become a lawyer. You might think it's funny for a criminally psychotic crazy bitch like me to become a lawyer but believe me, I'll prove you wrong. Well, I do hope to change myself.

Oops, I guess I zoned out since the bell had already rung and the campus was pretty much empty. Probably a few crackheads in the corners of the campus but other than that most students were at their lessons. I look at my timetable, checking for my first lesson. Law. Great start already.

As arrived to classroom E12, everyone's gaze is focused on me. Maybe I was a little more than a few minutes late. Awkwardly, I walk into the classroom, keeping my gaze low. The students payed attention to my awkward movements. The boys pretty much drooling and giving me flirtatious looks. Wonderful. Meanwhile, the teacher just watched me with a very serious expression. Guess he's not that amused by the fact that I'm really late on my first day.

"Why are you late?" The teacher questioned me, crossing his arms. Damn you could see his muscles tighten through his opaque white shirt. He was hot. I had to admit. His black, neatly pushed back hair, tall height, furrowed brows, dark eyes and holy shit his lips were so plump and perfect. How can he be my teacher? He's so fucking hot!

"Miss? Are you not going to respond? Why are you late?" He disrupted my thoughts.

"Oh. Sorry, Sir. I'm actually new. I couldn't really find my classroom, so..."

"Either way, it's detention. Now go take a seat." He said quite stiffly.

What? Detention on my first day of school? Seriously, he didn't even ask for my name or anything. There was no reason for him to literally talk to me so... bitterly! Clenching my teeth, I stomped over to my desk where a cute, handsome boy sat beside the empty chair.

Letting my backpack fall off my shoulders, I drop it beside me and sit in my seat.

"So, students. I am Mr Hwang, your new law teacher for this year and the following. For however long you have me, I'd just like to say that I will be giving no warnings and that you would just simply have to follow the rules in my class. If you refuse, then it's a sanction, no excuses." The teacher starts his forever going introduction. So, I guess he's also new to this school, huh? "Now, before we start our lesson, are there any questions?"

After that statement, many of the females in the classroom raised their hands. So many curious and thirsty girls who probably just want to get in his pants. The irony is though, he's a Law teacher.

"How old are you?" The girl in front of me asked, batting her eyelashes just to get his attention. He really didn't seem bothered though.

"Twenty-Three" His response was easy and he didn't seem uncomfortable at all. He's very young to be a teacher and how can he be only 5 years older than most of us?

"Why did you want to study the law?"

"I... I wanted to be a better me." He slightly struggled to formulate his sentence. I don't quite see what he had meant by 'better me' but I shrugged it off. Sure, he had the looks but I was really disinterested about him. He is my teacher after all.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No and we'll end our Q and A session here." He mumbled, heading back to his desk, head down.

"Right. Should we start our lesson now?" He finally stated before the class presumed.


After 2 hours' worth of lecturing, writing and answering questions the bell had finally rung indicating that our very tiring lesson with Mr Hwang had eventually ended. I stretch my arms as my body stiffened from writing a 4 pages long essay. Though I had missed 2 years of my school years, I was still quite intelligent if I do say so myself.

As the students rushed out of the classroom like a swarm of zombies, I was the last one left in this classroom. With Mr Hwang.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I march towards the door frame only to be stopped by my dickhead of a teacher.

"Miss Song, make that 2 hours of detention after school." He gave me a stern look as I stood there in front of him with my mouth wide and agape. 2 hours? This guy is mean! I didn't even do anything this time!

"What? What did I do now? Sir, you are already picking on me and it's literally the first lesson of my first day!" I stomped my foot to exaggerate on how angered I was towards his useless sanctions. I was utterly enraged with the fact that he had already ruined my first day of school.

"Your skirt is too short." He simply states this time avoiding my eye contact.

"And? Why are you looking at back side anyways?" I talk back to him, trying not to sound to embarrassed. At the same time, I pull my skirt a bit down just so it was covering a bit more of my thighs. Not my fault, it keeps riding up anyways.

"It's inappropriate. End off."

"Fucking perv." I say back giving him a slight smirk and walk closer towards him, shutting the door behind me. I stepped closer and closer, as he took a few steps backwards until he got to his desk. I place my hands on either side of the desk, trapping him.

"How ironic. It's inappropriate for you to be perving at my backside, sir. Very."

"I think you have misunderstood. It was obvious how most of the boys were looking at you."

"What's it to you, how the boys look at me?" I raise my brows, moving my face closer to his.

"Luna, you are my student. I suggest you move away because it is so wrong for us to be this close to each other. Besides, you are late for your next lesson so make It three hours after school." He seemed so disinterested and spoke in a very demanding tone. This guy loves to follow rules. Then again. What do I expect? He is a law teacher.

Noticing his lips were literally only inches away from mine, I quickly move away and leave the classroom, trying my best to hide my flustered expression.

What the fuck was I thinking?


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